What trade unionism? A transport strike case study
A case study of a dispute which illustrates the impact of different models of trade unionism and some of the challenges facing workplace activists.
Trump’s second term: fascism in the US?
Continuing the discussion of what we can expect from Trump’s second term, highlighting the risks and the opportunities for resistance.
Be concerned – Reform is coming
We need to work out how to facilitate the flourishing of forms of culture and identity conducive to new coalitions, new common-senses and a mass socialist politics of “freedom dreams”
Review | One hundred years of solitude
A review of the new film version of Gabriel García Márquez’s wonderful novel ‘One hundred years of solitude’, first published in 1967
Review | Soundtrack to a coup d’etat
Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat uses jazz and contemporary voices to expose how Belgium and the US undermined the newly independent Democratic Republic of the Congo
Review | Burnout
Samuel Kelly reviews Hannah Proctor’s Burnout, a timely exploration of the emotional toll of political struggle, offering ways to navigate despair and sustain hope in our movements.
Video | Trump, the US elections, fascism
Will Trump rule as a fascist? A video discussion of the outcomes of the US election.
Review | Mixing Pop and Politics
A review of Mixing Pop and Politics by Toby Manning, a Marxist history of popular music that analyses the relationship between society’s economic base and its cultural superstructure.
What’s left of the bourgeois family? On family abolition
The call to abolish the family is back, sparking fierce debate.
Syria: history shapes our organising today
How does the overthrow of Assad fit in the wider context of the Middle East, Israeli aggression and inter-imperialist competition, and how do we centre the Syrian fight for popular freedom in our practical solidarity in Britain?
Is this the end of austerity? Making sense of Britain under Labour
Can Starmer and Reeves deliver lasting change—or will their plans flop under scrutiny?
Building Fortress Britain: Labour’s policies on immigration
Labour intensifies deportations, workplace raids and migrant exploitation.
Review | Become Ungovernable
HLT Quan’s manifesto for ungovernability contributes to strategies for resisting state violence.
A rural revolt? On recent farmer mobilisations in Britain
The underlying context of the farmers’ protests
Palestine activists face the British state of terror
The British state’s anti-terror powers target pro-Palestine activists unjustly
Review | Overshoot: How the world surrendered to climate breakdown
Malm and Carton’s revolutionary call to climate action
Lebanon: imperialist penetration and anti-imperialist contradictions – part 2
Part two of a three part series of articles on anti-Zionist resistance and the development of the Lebanese state
Review | She Who Struggles
Exploring the role of women in twentieth-century revolutionary and national-liberation movements.
Red Bird #7 | March en masse and target supply chains
It has never been clearer that the institutions of ‘international order’ are a sham. We have now witnessed over a year of genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as the wider attacks on the West Bank and the people of Lebanon. These imperial attacks remain supported to the hilt by Western […]
Is it time for a new left party in Britain?
A contribution to the debate about a new left party by rs21 members.
Earth hurtles toward ultimate tipping point as climate summit ends in a cop-out
Amid climate catastrophe, hope hinges on action.
Review | Raising the Red Flag
The lead up to the formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1921, and lessons for today
Trans youth fight back: an interview with Trans Kids Deserve Better
The NHS, the Department of Education, and youth organising for trans liberation.
Everything must fall, everything must change
The current regime in Kenya has been struck a devastating blow by the uprising of youth. The state has been weakened and is now vulnerable. This regime can fall.