Palestine activists face the British state of terror
The British state’s anti-terror powers target pro-Palestine activists unjustly
Everything must fall, everything must change
The current regime in Kenya has been struck a devastating blow by the uprising of youth. The state has been weakened and is now vulnerable. This regime can fall.
Rape and murder in Kolkata – mass protests against state-sanctioned sexist violence
Protests have spread across West Bengal following the rape and murder of a trainee doctor. This report gives context of systemic violence against women in India.
Bangladesh: student protests continue
Protestors in Bangladesh are continuing to organise despite the government, led by Sheikh Hasina, backing down on the reinstatement of job quotas that reserved places for relatives of war veterans.
Long hot summer?
London, Glasgow, Manchester – a brief flash of activity or the start of a long hot summer?
Interview with Energy Embargo for Palestine
rs21 interviews the activist group Energy Embargo for Palestine
The DRC bleeds because of the world’s greed
Report from a Stand with Congo demonstration in Central London on 6 April where at least a hundred protestors gathered to highlight the situation in the eastern Congo
Resisting state brutality in Senegal
History of the political crisis in Senegal in light of the current elections.
Solidarity actions for Palestine grow and spread
Solidarity with Palestine proliferates: actions in Newcastle, Manchester, Somerset, Bolton, Glasgow.
Stand with Gaza: Palestine solidarity reports round-up
rs21 members round up some Palestine solidarity events that happened over the last week.
Palestine solidarity protesters face down police repression in London
rs21 members refute claims of “clashes” between police and protesters on Saturday’s Free Palestine Coalition march.
More protests for Palestine
rs21 rounds up some of the many Palestine solidarity demonstrations that took place last weekend to call for an end to the siege of Gaza
Protests for Palestine
Protests in solidarity with Palestine swept Britain yesterday. rs21 members report.
‘Our Bodies, Our Lives’: Hundreds protest against anti-abortion demonstration in London
rs21 member Colin Wilson reports from ‘Our Bodies, Our Lives’, the counter-protest to this weekend’s anti-abortion march in central London.
London Trans+ Pride shows that pride is a protest
On 8 July, rs21 members marched as part of a trade union bloc at London Trans+ Pride. Events like this remind us of our collective power and determination.
Palestine solidarity, the anti-BDS bill and the security state
Legal attacks on Palestine solidarity are part of a wider clampdown on protests and strikes.
Extinction Rebellion at a crossroads
XR changed tactics for the Big One. Gus Woody comments on the protest and next moves.
Review | Future on Fire: mass movements in the climate crisis
What movement do we need? Taisie Tsikas reviews David Camfield’s new book on climate tactics.
The state strikes again: the new Indonesian criminal code
Frans Ari Prasetyo explains the new repressive criminal code that has just been passed in Indonesia – and outlines the resistance it faces.
Anti-refugee demonstration in Carlisle – Nazis score a victory against divided opposition
Anti-fascists faced hurdles in mobilising against the first fascist demo to hit Carlisle in years.
Climate scientists defend colleagues victimised for activism
Science is often linked to corporates and the state – but scientists are organising.
Climate protest: London stands with Lützerath
A corporate polluter is demolishing a village to expand a coal mine
No more divide and rule – fight for trans rights!
Trans activist and rs21 member Leslie Cunningham exposes the lies and hypocrisy behind the Tory attack on trans rights and democracy in Scotland.
Three months of rebellion in Iran
After three months of rebellion in Iran, an Iranian socialist asks how it can win.
Tenants’ unions fight back against rocketing rents
rs21 members report on December’s tenants’ union protests against some of the largest estate agents in England.
Gender Recognition Reform in Scotland
The de-medicalisation of Gender Recognition in Scotland appeared to have majority political support, but as rs21 members Graham Checkley and Leslie Cunningham describe it has revealed a vein of transphobia.
Back on the streets in China
After a weekend of widespread protests across China, rs21 member Charlie Hore explains the movement’s significance and looks at what might come next.
Thousands march for climate justice
Marches took place on Saturday in cities including Edinburgh, Blackpool and London.