In defence of the mob
After protesters in Bristol dared to fight back police violence, respectable opinion is rushing to condemn ‘rioters’. But is it really true that riots ‘don’t achieve anything’?

Indefinite bus strike in Manchester against #FireAndRehire
Around 400 Unite members at a bus garage in north Manchester have been on indefinite strike since 28 February against fire and rehire. Ian Allinson explains what is going on and the strike’s wider significance.

2020 in photos: reviewing a year of turbulence
Photo gallery: 2020 was a year of political tumult, despite the constraints placed by the pandemic on popular protest.

Tactics of resistance: occupations and sit-ins
In part one of a series looking at differing tactics for winning battles in the workplace, Bob Carter explains workplace occupations and how to make them successful.

Understanding Nigeria’s #EndSARS movement
Nigeria has been rocked by massive protests against state repression. The movement has brought a whole new generation into political struggle.

Solidarity with the democratic movement in Thailand
Dozens of socialist parties and worker organisations declare their support for the mass movement against Thailand’s right-wing authoritarian regime.

Neoliberal ‘Omnibus Law’ sparks rebellion in Indonesia
Indonesia’s neoliberal regime is using the pandemic to attack workers’ rights and environmental protections. Workers and students have other ideas.

Revolutionary reflections | The moral economy of the anti-poll tax movement
The anti-poll tax movement took on and defeated a Tory government at the height of its powers. Andrew Stone explores the ways that protestors developed political justifications for resistance.

Review: Hong Kong in revolt and The Art of Rebellion
Two new books provide valuable insight into the huge and defiant revolt in Hong Kong that erupted in 2019.

Video: Popular Uprisings from Belarus to Lebanon
Mass movements around the world are continuing to upset the status quo. We were joined by activists from Belarus and Lebanon to learn more about the struggles unfolding in both states.

Resist the crackdown on demonstrations
The lockdown has ended but the crackdown on protests goes on and on. We need to share skills and solidarity to resist police repression.

Anti-racism, solidarity and the language of our movement
Arjun Mahadevan shares his perspective on political education coming from a place of solidarity.

A tale of two towns
Colin Revolting looks at events in Deptford and Eltham after the 2011 shooting of Mark Duggan

Tear them all down!
The toppling of the statue to slave trader Edward Colston on Sunday 7 June has echoed around the world.

Over 150 UK towns join BLM protests
From the toppling of a statue to the slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol, to the protest demanding justice for Sheku Bayoh in Kirkcaldy, people took to the streets to say: ‘The UK is not innocent.’

revolutionary reflections | reformasi dikorupsi: Indonesia under Jokowi
Indonesia’s increasingly authoritarian populist president Jokowi begins his second term confronted by a new generation radicalised by militarism, agrarian dispossession, environmental destruction and corruption.

Review: Can’t Pay Won’t Pay
The 30th anniversary of the Trafalgar Square riot is a good time to reflect on Simon Hannah’s engaging account of the movement that scuppered Thatcher’s poll tax, writes Andrew Stone

Bollocks to the Poll Tax
Colin Revolting remembers the day 30 years ago when one of the biggest marches ever turned into a mass riot which sunk the Tory flagship Poll Tax policy and took Prime Minister Thatcher down with it.

revolutionary reflections | The Anti-Poll Tax Federation: Organisation and spontaneity
The anti-poll tax movement was arguably the most successful social movement in Great Britain since the 1970s. In advance of the 30th anniversary of the poll tax riot (31 March 1990), Andrew Stone explores how political organisations and grassroots initiative interacted.

2019 – A year in protest pictures
We look back at the year 2019 with protest pictures by Steve Eason.

Hong Kong: opportunities for the movement
A new union organisation drive in Hong Kong might hold the key to breaking the deadlock, argues Colin Sparks.

Report: Cambridge protests Erdoğan’s visit
Zareen Taj reports on the protest in Cambridge against Erdoğan’s visit.

Hong Kong voters back protests
Hong Kong’s ‘silent majority’ has spoken: they support the protestors and their five demands.

‘The hateful crowd’ – the gilets jaunes movement one year on
A gilet jaune protester shares his reflections on the movement one year on.

Grief and anger in Hong Kong
Following the death of student Chow Tsz Lok, the protests are intensifying, but the need to link up with the mainland is pressing.

Halloween in Hong Kong
Protesters defied the mask ban to take to the streets in Hong Kong reports Colin Sparks.

Hong Kong revolt: no end in sight
The formal withdrawal of the extradition bill and half-measures to solve the housing crisis will not be enough to satisfy the pro-democracy movement, writes Colin Sparks.

Repression and resistance in Hong Kong
The ban on face-masks on public demonstrations has been met with defiance. Colin Sparks argues that a moment of choice now faces the authorities in Beijing.

Photo report: XR October rebellion begins
Extinction Rebellion have begun an international fortnight of rebellion. Steve Eason reports on London #Day1.