Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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We will not be silenced

Joint statement with movement organisations on the events of 18 January on the PSC national demonstration for Palestine.

Palestine activists face the British state of terror

The British state’s anti-terror powers target pro-Palestine activists unjustly

Nigerian government unleashes massive repression after #EndHunger protests

Mass arrests in Nigeria target those involved in #EndHunger protests.

huge crowds gather at night, a line of police in foreground.

Repressing independence: the Spanish Amnesty Bill and Catalonia

Is the Amnesty Bill a weapon in disguise?

Tents outside Sheffield uni, police standing in front of the Glasgow Home Office gates, police and protestors at sites in London.

Long hot summer?

London, Glasgow, Manchester – a brief flash of activity or the start of a long hot summer?

Palestine solidarity protesters face down police repression in London

rs21 members refute claims of “clashes” between police and protesters on Saturday’s Free Palestine Coalition march.

Palestine solidarity, the anti-BDS bill and the security state

Legal attacks on Palestine solidarity are part of a wider clampdown on protests and strikes.

Voter suppression and protest repression: the Tories’ attack on democracy

The government is swiftly and systematically destroying the rights on which ordinary people rely: to vote, to protest, to strike.

Image shows five Indonesian protesters holding signs including 'Tolak RKUHP' - "resist the criminal code". It is a mix of men and women and their faces are masked.

The state strikes again: the new Indonesian criminal code

Frans Ari Prasetyo explains the new repressive criminal code that has just been passed in Indonesia – and outlines the resistance it faces.

Norfolk NEU UCU PCS RMT ASLEF strike protest march in Norwich. Signs call for more funding for teachers, held by women, smiling, at a march.

#IWD2023: women fight across the globe

On International Women’s Day, rs21 members share 13 inspiring examples of women fighting for liberation and against capitalism and state repression.

Suella Braverman, Home Secretary, poses in front of two union flags in front of panelled wood walls.

Cruella Braverman and the 101 (more) Draconian Measures

Our answer to restricting protest must be to go on protesting.

Striking union organisers raided by Russian security forces

Russian security forces raided the apartments of independent trade unionists in Moscow in a direct attack on the organising of gig workers.

The Cost of Living Crisis

Map of protests, information about the cost of living crisis, and political commentary.

The actuality of the revolution: exploitation and oppressions

In this extract from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, Neil Davidson suggests ways to draw struggles against oppression and exploitation together.

Photo of protestors in the London demonstration as part of the Kill the bill day of action on 15 January 2022. Banners include Stop the War, the Revolutionary Communist Group, Extinction Rebellion, migrants welcome, and homemade placards.

Today’s #KilltheBill protests show that the fight against increased police powers will continue

Protests on the eve of the final House of Lords vote on the Police Crime and Sentencing bill are not a last-ditch effort but a warmup for the fight to come, writes Charlotte Powell.

Protestors demonstrate in solidarity with the uprisings in Sudan against the military coup, October 2021

Stand with the people of Sudan!

‘We ask the working class worldwide to stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan.’

Review | Let the record show

‘Let The Record Show’ is a pathbreaking history of ACT UP founded to fight the AIDS/HIV crisis in New York in the late 1980s.

Review | The world turned upside down

In Leo Zeilig’s recent novel, the global elite are targeted for murder amid a growing social upheaval that sweeps the central character around the world. Andrew Stone reviews this focused and ‘righteously angry’ book.

graffiti in Holyrood Park, near the Scottish Parliament showing a heart transgender symbol

No more ‘delays’ to trans rights: reform the GRA now!

Scotland-based rs21 member Leslie Cunningham argues we should all be fighting in the struggle for trans rights, and asks: why the delays to reforming the Gender Recognition Act?

Palestine: never give up the struggle

What is happening to the Palestinians right now is not new, not some anomaly, not some break with the past.

Relatives carry a woman who fainted after seeing the body of her husband at a hospital in Ahmedabad, India

Turning a profit from death: Modi’s pandemic response in neoliberal India

The recent upsurge of Covid across India has laid bare the Indian state’s utter failure to protect its population.

Demonstrators in the nationwide protests against tax reforms

Colombia: ‘the hegemony of the right is cracking up’

The mass movement has forced the withdrawal of President Iván Duque’s tax reform proposal and has shed light on a much broader situation of discontent.

Riot police surround a chalet during the Dale Farm eviction in 2011.

How the Police Bill targets Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

The Police Bill will further criminalise GRT people. Charlotte Powell interviews Luke Smith from GRTSocialists.

Protest against military coup in Myanmar, Feburary 2021

‘We shall not be governed’ – Revolution and counter-revolution in Myanmar

With workers and students in the anti-coup movement fighting in the face of murderous repression by the military, revolutionary struggle in Myanmar is at a critical point.

Image of Kill the Bill protesters in Parliament Square

#KillTheBill – where it came from, where it’s going

Th Police Bill is an assault on us all and an attack on us all must be met by resistance from us all. Unity and solidarity must be the clarion call of this movement.

Bristol police officers moving to suppress an occupation in 2011.

A criminal record: 10 times Bristol police abused local people

Bristol’s police force – presented by the media as the victims of a ‘mob’ – are among the most violent, racist and abusive parts of Britain’s police state.

An image of a cop chasing a silhouetted figure, while a police van burns in the background. Keywords; Bristol riot protesters protest peaceful violent police cops

In defence of the mob

After protesters in Bristol dared to fight back police violence, respectable opinion is rushing to condemn ‘rioters’. But is it really true that riots ‘don’t achieve anything’?

What happened at Clapham Common

An eyewitness account of a powerful event marred by shocking and gratuitous acts of violence by the Metropolitan Police.

Flowers and a sign reading 'end violence against women'

We can’t rely on the police to protect women

In the aftermath of Sarah Everard’s murder, politicians immediately called for heavier policing. But more police will not end violence against women.

A picture of jailed Russian antifascist Ilya Shakursky

‘Solidarity is a stream of sparks’: interview with an antifascist political prisoner

‘We are not alone, we are together, and we will win’: An interview with Russian antifascist political prisoner Ilya Shakursky.