The actuality of the revolution: exploitation and oppressions
In this extract from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, Neil Davidson suggests ways to draw struggles against oppression and exploitation together.

Audio: Neil Davidson on 1968
Join comrades and friends in an online event to remember Neil Davidson (1957-2020). Here we remember him with a talk he gave on the revolutionary upheavals of 1968.

Video: Tories in crisis – what comes next?
Watch Marxist historian and author Neil Davidson discuss the establishment’s triple crisis of strategy, party and state – and its potential outcomes.

No exit from the Brexit crisis
What does the Brexit crisis mean for British politics and the European Union?

AUDIO: The Fire Last Time – 1968
Marxist historian Neil Davidson talks on 1968 and the broader period of uprisings and reprisals of which it became the most visible example

Choosing or refusing to take sides in an era of right-wing populism
In the decade following the banking crash, the protracted crisis in neoliberal governance is taking a number of striking forms. Neil Davidson sets out the case for ‘rejecting the lesser evil’ option when faced with a choice between the radical right and the neoliberal centre.

The contradictions of Corbynism
Support to mainstream parties of the left must be made tactically alongside work to organise a mass revolutionary party.

Uneven and Combined Development: Modernity, Modernism, Revolution (5): China: Where All Roads Meet
In this last of five pieces on Uneven and Combined Development, Neil Davidson looks at its applicability for China today and concludes on how we think about revolutionary conjunctures in the 21st Century.

Uneven and Combined Development: Modernity, Modernism, Revolution (4): Continuities and Changes
In part 4 of his series on Uneven and Combined Development Neil Davidson looks at its relevance in the contemporary world.

Uneven and Combined Development: Modernity, Modernism, Revolution (3): Cartographies And Chronologies
In the third of his five pieces on Uneven but Combined Development, Neil Davidson looks at the application of the theory to England, Scotland, Germany and Japan before looking the Soviet transition to state capitalism.

Uneven and Combined Development: Modernity, Modernism, Revolution (2): Causes, Consequences, Constraints
In this second part to his series of five pieces for revolutionary reflections Neil Davidson explores the aesthetic and political dimensions of the theory of Uneven and Combined Development.

Uneven and Combined Development: Modernity, Modernism, Revolution (1): The Classic Forms of Uneven and Combined Development
In this first of five pieces, Neil Davidson explores Trotsky’s history of combined and uneven development and how it helps us understand capitalist modernity.

Obituary: Alan Rae (1950-2016)
Neil Davidson remembers Alan Rae (5 July 1950-12 November 2016) in this obituary in the form of a memoir recalling Alan’s entire life – and not only his time as a political activist, for Alan had an extremely broad ‘hinterland’.

Review: The Age of Acquiescence
Neil Davidson reviews Steve Fraser’s book The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organised Wealth and Power.

What would a British revolution look like – and how would it happen?
Neil Davidson discusses the prospects for revolution in Britain in an article originally published on The Conversation.

Why socialists should support a British exit
Building on arguments made in previous articles, Neil Davidson lays out why he believes socialists should vote to leave the EU.

EU debate: A socialist case for leaving the EU
Neil Davidson, in a piece originally published on Bella Caledonia, makes the case from a Scottish perspective about why socialists should support leaving the EU.

Notes from the new world of Scottish politics
Neil Davidson analyses the historic election results in Scotland. If the SNP is to face an opposition from the left, rather the racist right, then unity of both purpose and organisation will be required.

#BBCdebate: a political earthquake is about to happen in Scotland
Neil Davidson continues analysis from last night’s debate and argues that the coming election is a question of whether Labour are going to be either totally annihilated or just completely crushed in Scotland.

Politics in the age of austerity: from above or below?
Neil Davidson discusses the disintegration of social democracy and the impasse of the revolutionary left, and asks what attitude revolutionaries should take towards social democratic parties.

Scotland and Spain: lessons from contemporary social movements
Scotland and Spain have both seen mainstream politics in crisis in recent months. Neil Davidson and Luke Stobart discussed the significance of recent events at a meeting organised by rs21 in London on 30 November 2014.

Scotland: the Social Movement for Independence and the Crisis of the British State
During the last week we’ve published a major analysis of Scottish politics after the independence referendum by historian and activist Neil Davidson in five parts. Now here it is all in one place.

Scotland – what next?
In the fifth and final part of his analysis of Scottish politics after the referendum, written in late September, Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson looks at events since the vote.

Scotland – Understanding the result
In the fourth part of his analysis of Scottish politics after the referendum, Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson looks at the detail of the referendum results.

Scotland – project fear and the ruling class panic
In the third part of his analysis of Scottish politics after the referendum, Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson looks at the No campaign. Occasionally, writers have to resort to what might be called historically-informed speculation about the collective attitude of political actors. For the British ruling class in the referendum crisis, however, no speculation is necessary since its […]

Scotland – the Yes campaign as a social movement
In the second part of his analysis of Scottish politics after the referendum, Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson examines the Yes campaign.

Scotland – the reality behind the referendum
Part one of a major five-part analysis of Scottish politics after the referendum, by Scottish historian and activist Neil Davidson.

The evolution of the Scottish independence question
Historian and socialist activist Neil Davidson’s responds to questions about his article ‘Yes: a non-nationalist argument for Scottish independence’ about how his position on Scottish independence has developed.

What do we mean by… uneven and combined development?
Neil Davidson continues an rs21 series on the fundamentals of our political tradition by looking at uneven and combined development.

Neil Davidson on the crisis in the SWP
Neil Davidson spoke at a meeting in Edinburgh on 3 November 2013, organised by the Rebuilding the Party faction of the Socialist Workers Party.