I Forgot to Die: thinking through the social reproduction of Palestinian life
Tithi Bhattacharya uses the lens of social reproduction theory to show how the disruption and annihilation of Palestine life is inherent to the Zionist project.

Turning a profit from death: Modi’s pandemic response in neoliberal India
The recent upsurge of Covid across India has laid bare the Indian state’s utter failure to protect its population.

Caring enough to strike: US teachers’ strikes in perspective
Last week, 33,000 Los Angeles teachers went on strike. Tithi Bhattacharya analyses the past year’s teachers strikes from a social reproduction framework.

Capitalism’s life source: the domestic and social basis for exploitation
US-based socialist Tithi Bhattacharya responds to questions from rs21 on her new book about social reproduction theory.

“Hope in the stubborn instances of resistance” – Assessing the current state of the women’s movement in India
Tithi Bhattacharya recently caught up with Kavita Krishnan on the prospects for the women’s movement in India today and questions of strategy TB: December 2014 marked two years since India erupted in mass protests against gender violence that inspired us globally. Where do you assess that battle for women’s rights to be at this two-year […]

What is social reproduction theory?
In the first of a series of articles looking at and debating social reproduction theory, here we republish Tithi Bhattacharrya’s introductory piece on some of the basics.

A letter to Alex Callinicos
In her letter Tithi charges Alex and Charlie with using “blatantly sleight-of-hand arguments” over the date of the first dispute complaint and over the issue of confidentiality.