Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Frans Ari Prasetyo

Image shows five Indonesian protesters holding signs including 'Tolak RKUHP' - "resist the criminal code". It is a mix of men and women and their faces are masked.

The state strikes again: the new Indonesian criminal code

Frans Ari Prasetyo explains the new repressive criminal code that has just been passed in Indonesia – and outlines the resistance it faces.

Neoliberal ‘Omnibus Law’ sparks rebellion in Indonesia

Indonesia’s neoliberal regime is using the pandemic to attack workers’ rights and environmental protections. Workers and students have other ideas.

revolutionary reflections | reformasi dikorupsi: Indonesia under Jokowi

Indonesia’s increasingly authoritarian populist president Jokowi begins his second term confronted by a new generation radicalised by militarism, agrarian dispossession, environmental destruction and corruption.

revolutionary reflections | Popular struggle in Indonesia: the spirit of Bandung

Following the recent Indonesian elections, in which the incumbent Jokowi defeated a descendent of the dictator Suharto, Frans Ari Prasetyo discusses the contradictions of the Jokowi government’s dependence on the World Bank and local capitalists.