The reactionary evil of Trump’s oligarch courtiers
Resisting the ambitions of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel requires more than critique—it demands direct confrontation

Migrant farm workers fight for justice in Britain
A report on a migrant farm worker’s protest and the campaign for rights for workers on seasonal visas

Be concerned – Reform is coming
We need to work out how to facilitate the flourishing of forms of culture and identity conducive to new coalitions, new common-senses and a mass socialist politics of “freedom dreams”

Building Fortress Britain: Labour’s policies on immigration
Labour intensifies deportations, workplace raids and migrant exploitation.

Ireland today: interview with Goretti Horgan and Eamonn McCann
Pat Stack talks to Derry based socialists Goretti Horgan and Eamonn McCann

This Town | Review
The recent BBC drama This Town was widely applauded by reviewers, but Pat Stack found its portrayal of Irish republicanism too inaccurate, distorted and biased to swallow.

The Tories’ pro-natalism agenda
Colin Wilson unpacks the right-wing agendas behind the new Tory childcare policy.

Video | Abolition Revolution
Why do we have a police force in the first place? How does policing uphold racism, capitalism and colonialism?

Australia: anti-Indigenous racism and the Voice referendum
An Australian socialist explains why a ‘Yes’ vote is important in the Voice referendum.

Cricket in crisis: racism, sexism and elitism in the sport
Sport can be a site of struggle, a chance for us to organise collectively in the face of racism, sexism and elitism.

‘Lack and longing’: an interview with Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever
Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever answer questions about race, nation, working class struggle and the breakdown of Britain’s democratic settlement.

Review | Britain in Fragments
Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever bring a historic account of racism in Britain over the last century. Colin Wilson reviews Britain in Fragments.

Review | Making the Revolution Global
The history of black anticolonial radicals in Britain is central to the history of the left.

Review | A Revolutionary for Our Time: the Walter Rodney Story
Rachel Iboraii reviews Leo Zeilig book on Walter Rodney, finding a compelling account of the life of the great Marxist and pan-Africanist.

Abolition Revolution: a vital step into the future
We need to get rid of police and prisons entirely.

Eye-witness report from Manston Camp
Camp well over twice capacity, vulnerable people sleeping on the floor.

Leicester: the global spread of the Indian far right
Hindu supremacism is growing in Indian communities in Britain

Far right gains in Swedish elections
The results are rooted in neoliberalism, racism and growing inequality

Interview: the United States in crisis, part 2
Openings exist for the American left, but not with the Democrats

Inclusion and equality matter: Why are they missing from our approach to Covid?
Zero Covid Scotland activist Hannah Hassan outlines the many ways in which Covid policies discriminate against people with disabilities and intensifies existing inequalities.

Kill The Bill: the day of action
rs21 members took part in a social media campaign as part of the #KillTheBill day of action against the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill on Saturday 21 August 2021,

Germany’s Namibia Genocide Apology: the limits of decolonising the past
What are possible international ramifications of the Namibian-German agreement?

The Good Lord Bird: John Brown’s militant abolitionism
Bill Crane looks at the life of militant US abolitionist John Brown and his portrayal in a recent TV adaptation of James McBride’s novel The Good Lord Bird.

We Will Not Be Divided – Statement from Sisters Uncut
Sisters Uncut’s statement against police and state violence and the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021, originally published on 23 March 2021. rs21 signed the statement alongside groups including Black Lives Matter UK, Jewish Solidarity Action and Docs Not Cops.

Govanhill: ghettoisation and exploitation in modern Glasgow
Slum housing, hyper-exploitation and racist demagoguery are alive and kicking in the Scotland of 2021 – along with the basis for internationalist solidarity and resistance.