Keir Starmer. Photo: Chatham House
Time to leave Labour
Lisa Leak •The social crises thrown up by the coronavirus pandemic make internal battles in the Labour Party increasingly irrelevant, argues Lisa Leak.
Keir Starmer’s victory in the Labour leadership election has left him in a strong position within the party. Nothing suggests that there will be another leadership contest within the next few years. Even if there were, the right-wing party elites that allowed Jeremy Corbyn’s candidacy to go forward on a procedural level in 2015 will certainly not be so complacent a second time.
Most socialists in Labour will already be familiar with Keir Starmer’s personal record. As Director of the Crown Prosecution Service, he played along enthusiastically with Tory hate campaigns against benefit claimants, and sabotaged attempts to bring police officers to justice for murder. As an MP, he was a consistent saboteur of the Corbyn project, and the leading author of the party’s catastrophic stance on Brexit in last year’s election. Assuming the leadership at a time when the country is clocking 700 deaths per day from a disastrously mishandled viral pandemic, Starmer’s priority has been to assure the government responsible that he will offer them his ‘constructive engagement’, rather than what he terms ‘opposition for opposition’s sake’.
Socialists within the Labour Party will now be deciding whether to stay in the party, or leave. They face this decision in bizarre and unexpected circumstances, with coronavirus putting normal political life, including face-to-face party meetings, on hold. With the scope for discussion between ordinary members significantly reduced, the voices of prominent Corbynite commentators in the media dominate discussion on the left. These voices – including the Momentum leadership, prominent journalist Owen Jones, and the editors of left-wing media outlets such as Tribune, Novara Media, and the New Socialist, as well as Corbyn himself – unanimously advocate a course of remaining actively engaged in Labour.
I have not been personally a member of the Labour Party for most of the last few years, although I did campaign actively for the party at the last election, and voted for Rebecca Long-Bailey in the recent leadership contest as a levy-paying union member. I will not attempt to give instructions to those who have given huge chunks of their time and energy to the Corbyn project. However, it does seem important to take issue with the grounds on which many of the aforementioned opinion leaders are arguing for remaining in the Labour Party.
The case for staying engaged with Labour often takes the form of a warlike exhortation to ‘stay and fight’, in order to protect the position of the left within the party. This is a sunk-cost fallacy, a commitment to throwing good money after bad. The main available means of carrying out a ‘fight’ within Labour over the last four years has been to organise small cores of activists to vote in internal elections to committees and boards such as the National Executive Committee. While these battles did have a purpose within the internal logic of the Labour Party – namely to provide some procedural and political room for manoeuvre to the leadership – they were invisible to most members and to almost all of the general population (except for when they resulted in hysterical right-wing backlashes, faithfully amplified by the mainstream media).
Even over the last four years, with a huge and buoyant Corbynite membership and a supportive parliamentary leadership, these struggles have been gruelling and often unrewarding. The new PLP leadership is now jointly committed, with the internal bureaucracy, to rolling back the left’s gains, and the grassroots left has been objectively greatly weakened by the events of recent months. The calculus of how this situation will develop over time is not complicated, and only points in one direction. There is no victory to be had here, only a pit that will absorb the time and energy of many capable activists, even while the country as a whole undergoes a period of unprecedented crisis and contestation in the wake of coronavirus.
Another argument being made in some quarters is that leaving the Labour Party cannot be the correct course of action for left-wing members, because such an exodus is exactly what the Labour right most desire. This impulse is understandable, but it is not a vision of how we can achieve social change. It may be true that the PLP and Labour’s permanent bureaucracy would like to once again have the run of the party to themselves. But pursuing a feud with this small group is not a strategy; nor should the very specific interests of one clique of apparatchiks be taken as a stand-in for the power of the ruling class writ large. In fact, the containment of most of the country’s left-wing activists within the party – as subs-payers and canvassing infantry, with little input into the party’s course – could work out very well indeed for the new centrist leadership. Starmer’s left flank will certainly be well-protected, in this instance, by the rigged internal structures and processes of the party.
Some optimists envision the opposite scenario: that a persistent left-wing membership will be able to discipline the PLP and the new party leadership. But nothing in the record of recent years gives any grounds for this optimism. The Corbyn leadership moved the party’s platform to the left on many issues, but it never did so under duress from the grassroots. When an admirable motion was passed democratically at party conference in September last year, committing the party to a strident anti-racist defence of migrants and refugees, this was flatly ignored in the party’s manifesto only two months later. When anti-racist activists at the base of the party were subjected to vile and spurious accusations of antisemitism by the PLP and its media outriders, the leadership triangulated, prevaricated and, ultimately, for the most part, hung these activists out to dry.
In other words, it was generally not possible to use member engagement to prompt Labour to adopt left-wing policies and stances, even with a left-wing leadership in place whose individual members most probably personally supported these policies and stances. What basis can there be for the notion that the same tactic will succeed now?
For all these reasons, I believe it is time to leave Labour. But ‘leaving Labour’ may have more meanings than one. Cancelling a direct debit, or not doing so, is not the most important distinction here. What is important is for activists to sharply transfer focus and energy to direct social struggle rather than elections, and to take a decision to prioritise the former over the latter at every opportunity. In this sense, many of us who are not party members, but who have oriented some degree of our activity around the Corbyn leadership over the last four years, will also be ‘leaving Labour’ to a greater or lesser extent in the weeks to come.
For those thinking of leaving who do have party membership cards, now is the time to start strategising concretely towards an exit that will allow blocks of members to maintain some cohesion and organisation outside the party. Many Labour members are now setting their own personal ‘red lines’: boundaries of principle which, if crossed, will be the trigger for one’s departure. This kind of exercise will be far more valuable if done collectively, by groups of comrades, campaigns and groupings within the party, or large layers of members within Momentum and other constituent organisations. Rather than leaving in dribs and drabs over a sequence of different personal tipping points, members should look to secede in large groups which can form a basis for future organisation outside of Labour.
There could not be a better moment to take such a decision: the coronavirus pandemic is unleashing a dizzying variety of social contestations, from impromptu workplace walk-outs to embryonic rent strike movements, furious demands for better healthcare resourcing, and struggles to push back against state authoritarianism. Even Keir Starmer’s most enthusiastic supporter – and, of course, there are many sincere socialists in Labour who supported his candidacy – could not mistake a Starmer-led Labour for an adequate vehicle for these struggles.
We are in the opening phases of an epochal economic and social crisis, and the progression of that crisis will not pace itself for Westminster’s electoral cycle. In four years’ time, the dust will have settled from the fallout of the current coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying economic cataclysm. The stakes are huge: a massive realignment of modern capitalist society now seems inevitable, and like any major crisis, this will either be resolved by the forces of right-wing repression, or by the forces of left-wing social solidarity. Keir Starmer will be a bystander to this process at best, and sticking behind him means sticking on the sidelines.
Most of the 500,000 Labour Party members are middle-class liberals, not socialists. Similarly, these 500,000 people are just atomised online members of the party. What is needed is a revolutionary party independent of the Labour Party.
Lenin often quoted the phrase: “An ounce of experience is worth a tonne of theory.” He was also fond of the Russian proverb: “Life teaches.” I can see from bitter experience of trying to re-join the Labour Party last September what Lenin was getting at. I was interviewed by the chairman of North East Cambridgeshire CLP (a teacher who works in a private school in Cambridge), and the membership secretary (a retired GP). In my 59 years I’ve had interviews for jobs, interviews for medical assessments, and interviews at the Job Centre. Nothing compares to the way I was treated by these two middle-class Corbynistas. Sad to say the result of the interview was that I withdrew my application to re-join the party.
Since September’s interview I’ve been in what could be called “no-man’s land.” I’ve done much thinking and soul-searching. I’ve concluded that Corbynism was an aberration when it comes to the continued decline of the Labour Party. Under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership, in the name of fighting anti-Semitism, what remains of the left in the party will be purged. The left will be crushed. The Labour Party will follow the French Socialist Party and the Greek Pasok into obscurity and collapse.
The coronavirus crisis will speed up changes that were already taking place before the crisis hit. We will see the end of the cash economy and its replacement by card payments and mobile phone payments. The coronavirus is speeding up this change due to cash being a big transmitter of the virus from one person to the next. The cash system will collapse. It costs the banks and society in the UK £5 billion a year for the distribution and the collection of coins and notes no matter how little cash is needed for exchange.
There is also a big incentive for HM Treasury and the Bank of England to bring about the end of the cash economy. Not only is cash used in the black economy for tax evasion, terrorism, and organised crime, the end of cash will allow HM Treasury and the Bank of England to introduce negative interest rates whilst avoiding people keeping thousands of pounds under the mattress.
At the same time, coronavirus is wiping out the hard-copy newspaper industry. Even before the crisis hit, The Sun newspaper was losing over £50 million a year. Not only will we see the welcome end of hard copies of The Sun, we’ll see the closure of the Daily Star. The only viable option will be to introduce paywalls (the Financial Times, the Telegraph, and the Times have already done this), or the Guardian model of relying on donations (each year two million readers across the world donate on a regular or one-off basis). Producing hard copies is a thing of the past and as the revolutionary left have found out it is a bottomless money pit.
Coronavirus is hitting all newspapers hard. The Wisbech Standard/Cambs Times has belatedly just made an appeal for donations from readers to keep it going. Similarly, I have received letters from Socialist Appeal, and Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism asking for donations so that they can keep going whilst the coronavirus crisis continues. Socialist Appeal, FRFI, together with the Weekly Worker, have already stopped producing hard copies. It’s only a matter of time before The Socialist, Socialist Worker, Solidarity, and the Morning Star follow suit. It seems that only the World Socialist Web Site, which is entirely online, have their finger on the pulse when it comes to the death of the hard copy newspaper.
When the coronavirus crisis is over things will never be the same. The revolutionary organisations that survive the crisis will be more stream-lined and more attuned to the twenty-first century. All revolutionaries should therefore apply to join RS21 as soon as possible.
John Smithee
He’s already started getting rid of the left wing members of the Shadow cabinet and not in the job 24 hours. A Red Tory or Blue Labour it’s all the same. Don’t think there’s much point staying to fight the right it is pointless.
Although I greatly admired Jeremy Corbyn I always felt there were toxic elements within the Labour party that did not represent my values. Starmer’s lurch to the right is a prime example. As a former NHS Whistleblower who had my career destroyed for telling the truth, I was sickened by Starmer rewarding those who deliberately lied to smear Corbyn; it is too disgusting for words. I would say to anyone leaving the Labour Party due to such a despicable betrayal of basic justice that you will find a solid socialist home if you join the Green Party. Our solitary MP, Caroline Lucas is one of the most universally well respected MPs in Parliament and we fully uphold Socialist values.
All of the New Green Deal policies originated with, you guessed it, the Green Party. But we do not just focus on environmental issues. Many people who tried out the “Vote for Policies” website were surprised to discover that the Green Party ticked most of their boxes. The Green Party is a perfect fit for those who are passionate about the climate crisis, Extinction r Rebellion, Black Lives Matter, CND, Anti-Nukes, Anti-Trident, No Tuition Fees, protecting the NHS, more Social Housing, Ending Homelessness and the need for Food Banks, Workers Rights, Basic Income and so much more.
There are rumours Keir Starmer is about to remove Corbyn from the Labour Party and you should prepare to act in solidarity by leaving if he is forced out. Standing as an Independent not as effective as joining another Party and I am sure the Green Party would welcome Labour Left MPs who were either forced out or could not remain under Starmer. Can you imagine the impact if a few dozen Labour Left MPs became Green MPs? It would not compromise their principals and it sure would give Starmer a bloody nose! If a huge number of Young people joined on mass defecting from Labour it would demonstrate the true direction the entire country is moving in.
The first past the post system forces many voters to avoid voting Green as they fear it will let in a Tory candidate, but I do not need to worry about that in my Labour majority city. Personally I believe that that the Covert 2019 Rigged Election was a massive fraud and that Labour actually won. The Electoral Commission is worthless, “A Watchdog that cannot watch is just a dog!” A number of people who feel as strongly as I do, have joined a Discussion Forum on Craig Murrays Blog under the heading of “Elections Aftermath: Was our 2019 Vote & the EU Referendum Rigged?”
We are working to compile the data that will expose the Industrial scale fraud that Johnson pulled off. I have a Petition calling for a comprehensive investigation into the Covert 2019 Rigged Election. We cannot become more vigilant until we “Rescue our Watchdog,” so please read, share, Link to and sign this Petition: https://tinyurl.com/w4u9dwm If the vote was overturned then Labour could call for Corbyn to be reinstated as Labour Leader to take his rightful place as PM. Do not believe it is too late, as to do nothing is to continue on the path to Electoral Dictatorship.
If the Johnson/Cummings Tory Government are not removed before crash-out Brexit at the end of this year they will solidify their stranglehold on power and we will face decades of Far-Right Dictatorship. All of the classic warning signs are falling into place at frightening speed. Cummings is the real power behind the clown, but he could lash out if he is betrayed. As mastermind of the fake Tory “Landslide Victory,” he holds all the evidence necessary to bring down this Government. Cummings is the Grenade, oust him ad you pull the pin!
After years of despair at Blair’s Tory-lite policies and LibDem treachery, Labour under Corbyn changed my outlook from apolitical cynicism all the way to card-carrying Party activism – and Starmer’s so-called Leadership to send me all the way back again…
Chance after chance I’ve given him, but the rapidity in which he’s dragged the Party’s focus back to centrism has left me both shocked and appalled in equal measure – but it’s taken this SpyCops abstention clusterfuck to finally force my hand, and say, no longer in my name – today, I leave the Labour Party…