Video: Insurgency around the world
rs21 members •On 8 February 2020, rs21 organised an open meeting in London discussing the revolutionary uprisings around the world over the past year. In the videos below our speakers talk about insurgent movements in Bolivia, Hong Kong and Algeria.
Will Searby opened the session by discussing the solidarity work that rs21 has been doing around the revolutionary movement in Sudan. rs21 raised money for the Sudanese Workers Alliance, passed solidarity motions in trade union branches and cooperated with activists in the diaspora. International solidarity is about identifying points of contact and combating the alliances that exist between the ruling class here and in Sudan, Ecuador, Chile and so on, understanding how imperialism shapes the British state in its actions at home and abroad.
Olivia Arigho-Stiles started off the meeting by talking about the ring-wing coup in Bolivia. In 2019, the indigenous socialist Evo Morales was removed from government after 14 years by a military coup following supposed electoral fraud. Olivia talked about the abuses and violent attacks socialists faced from the far right in the following months as well as the prospects of the elections coming up in May this year. Olivia also reflected on the shortcomings of Morales’ MAS party, and the criticisms of his government coming from the left.
Colin Sparks, who has lived in Hong Kong for several years talked about the protest movement that has now persevered for months. The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus has presented more difficulties to the protesters but has not slowed down the movement. Colin also provided an overview of the uprising, the demographics of the protesters (only about 60% male, but very few migrant workers) and the changing tactics and demands over time. He has talked about the low involvement of trade unions and the discriminations workers face for taking part in the movement.
In the final session, Meriam Mabrouk talked about social movements in Morocco and the recent uprising in Algeria. Meriam talked about the Hiraq movement in the Rif and the political context in the area that led to the current wave of protests, as well as previous protest movements. She has also addressed the importance of international solidarity in the politics and demands of the movements, the role of anti-imperialists, and the struggle for women’s liberation.