Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Gareth Dale

Earth hurtles toward ultimate tipping point as climate summit ends in a cop-out

Amid climate catastrophe, hope hinges on action.

Green class struggle: workers and the just transition

Climate politics is not the playground of distant elites, but a field where collective action is decisive.

photo of a mine

Extraction of raw materials could rise 60% by 2060 – and making mining ‘greener’ won’t stop the damage

Gareth Dale debunks the notion that mass extraction of minerals is necessary for an ecologically sustainable society.

Review | Shows at the Whitworth Gallery Manchester

Colonialism, art, the museum logistics chain. Gareth Dale reviews this month’s shows at the Whitworth.

El Niño is accelerating climate chaos: it’s time for action

The extreme heat of the upcoming El Niño years should compel us to subordinate profit motives to urgent climate goals.

A photo of Rishi Sunak in front of a microphone from HM treasury.

Britain’s new PM Sunak is as wealthy as the king — and as distant from the people

Britain has a newly-unelected prime minister. Gareth Dale looks at how we got here, and what to expect from the coming months.

Lancashire fracking protest, 2018

Tories bring back fracking – major protests to come

Tories are happy to trash the environment – activists are ready to fight

Man spray paints image of Gorachev on a wall

Mikhail Gorbachev: twin portraits of a failed reformer

Gorbachev was neither a liberal man of peace nor an incompetent who trashed Russia

Crowd with placards. One has chess board and 'stop playing with our lives'. Another reads 'Stop the war your imperialist pigs'

Russia’s war and the West

Gareth Dale responds to an article by Tom Bramble exploring the reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Cartoon shows Boris Johnson as emperor Nero playing the lyre while the world burns

From Nero to Net Zero

Boris Johnson’s classical references are a window onto how he will deal with climate breakdown, writes Gareth Dale.

Marx, the Paris Commune & socialism’s two souls: What liberation are we fighting for?

At the heart of the Communist Manifesto of 1848, recalled Engels, was the idea that “the emancipation of the workers must be the act of the working class itself.”

Wildfires in California in 2015

Global fever

The Covid-19 pandemic is a foretaste of the approaching climate catastrophe. Andreas Malm’s electrifying new book looks at both these crises and asks what we’ll need to do to face them down.

Marooned at Moria: Europe’s suppressed migration crisis

A report from the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos.

A critical week lies ahead in the West Virginia teachers’ strike

The West Virginia teachers’ strike marks the return of the mass strike to the US in 2018.

After 1917: Civil war and ‘modernising counter-revolution’

The Russian Revolution not only provides the most far reaching example of a socialist revolution in history, it also changes our understanding of counter-revolution. 

Brexit and beyond: interview with Gareth Dale

Gareth Dale was interviewed by the Romanian left-wing site CriticAtac about the what Brexit will now mean in Britain and more widely in Europe. Here we republish their interview.  CriticAtac: So, Brexit has won. Nonetheless, it is not entirely clear what this entails and, indeed, if anything really major has happened so far. What are the […]