Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Xi Mingyue

In praise of ‘Essays on Marx’s Theory of Value’

In praise of a groundbreaking work of Marxist economics in its centenary year.

a crowd of mixed ages waves Palestinian flags outside court. Banners in red, green and black writing say 'Drop the charges Not the bombs', 'End Israeli apartheid'.

Elbit is losing – support the Palestine Action protesters facing trial

Palestine Action confronted Elbit’s making weapons for Israel. Now we need to show solidarity with Palestince Action activists in court.

Image shows a banner draped across a street sign. It reads 'Elbit is fuckin guilty', and its background is emblazoned with blood-red hand prints.

Elbit is guilty! Solidarity to Palestine Action

Palestine Action have called for supporters to attend the upcoming trials. This sends a strong message to the courts, and we have seen in the past that when activists have more supporters show up to court, they are much more likely to be found not guilty.

LGSM members' die-in on the Pride route

Activists tell Pride in London: ‘no pride in cops or borders’

On Saturday 2 July, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants halted the Pride in London march to protest against police presence at the event.