Review | Shows at the Whitworth Gallery Manchester
Colonialism, art, the museum logistics chain. Gareth Dale reviews this month’s shows at the Whitworth.

Reflections on International Workers’ Memorial Day
To mark IWMD, the rs21 Art Group made a zine with Cut-Through Collective, which we distributed in Glasgow and London across the May Day weekend.

People Make Television: cultural production, socialism and the state
Tom Schofield on the People Make Television exhibition at Raven Row, London.

Cultural Marxism? A review of The Dialectics of Art
Ian Birchall reviews The Dialectics of Art, a new work by John Molyneux.

Artistic platforms and political art
Allan Struthers explores the relationship of artwork and the platforms on which they are presented.

Artivists at Work 2
More from Artivists at Work: resisting NHS cuts, unsafe school reopenings and the gendered impacts of Covid-19.

What does my body know of photography? – Remembering the resistance through art
On Holocaust Memorial Day, Annie Dobson remembers Faye Schulman, photographer and Jewish partisan with her lyric essay.

What a way to make a living | Artistic ‘freedom’
Liz Forster’s article from 2018 takes a close look at the precarious working conditions of the arts.

The Making of a Revolution: Art from Sudan
Allan Struthers reflects on a recent exhibition co-hosted by rs21 and the Sudan Doctors’ Union.

Favourites of 2018: rs21 reviewers recommend…
Our reviewers recommend the music, films, books, exhibitions and TV they discovered in 2018.

Hacking the Spectacle: an interview with Darren Cullen
Cullen uses the language of advertising to make art taking aim at militarism and consumerism

The remarkable story of Margarete Klopfleisch
rs21 member Sonja Grossner tells the story of her remarkable mother Margarete Klopfleisch, an artist and communist during the Nazi period in Germany who spent time in hiding in the UK. The full biography The Troubles to Greet Beauty is available to buy from Waterstones or Amazon. Margarete (‘Greta’) Klopfleisch (nee Grossner) was born in […]

Review: Soul of a Nation
Caliban’s Revenge finds the current exhibition at Tate Modern a great place for searching for answers in a time of crisis and opportunity. In 1968, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King was assassinated. In the immediate aftermath, a wave of riots broke across America. Known as the Holy Week Uprising, […]

The flight of the young eagles – art of the Russian revolution
Mike Thompson visits Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932 at the Royal Academy and finds amazing art in an establishment exhibition. Photo: Tom Michaelson Artists under Russia’s Tsarist regime operated in a contradictory society. They had access to the most innovative ideas of the avant-garde, but within a context where the vast majority had no access to art. […]

Protest against redundancies at Dulwich Picture Gallery
Arjun Mahadevan reports on the protest opposing redundancies at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. On a cold and windy afternoon at the front gates of Dulwich Picture Gallery in south London, around 50 protestors gathered to oppose redundancies that would see over half of the gallery’s visitor services team out of a job. Members of the […]

William Blake: Apprentice and Master
William Blake was a revolutionary in poetry, engraving and politics. John Walker reviews a new exhibition of his artwork in Oxford. William Blake was a revolutionary. One of the funniest things, for those in the know, is to hear Conservatives singling Parry’s hymn “Jerusalem”. The words to this are taken from the Introduction to Blake’s […]

‘I wouldn’t mind turning into a vermillion goldfish’ – Matisse’s cut-outs reviewed
The latest exhibition at the Tate Modern is of the cut-outs created by Henri Matisse in his later years. Mitch Mitchell shares his thoughts.
We sit starving amidst our gold
(review and pics by comrades from Walthamstow) “I do not want art for a few; any more than education for a few; or freedom for a few.” – William Morris British artist Jeremy Deller’s new English Magic exhibition at the William Morris Gallery in east London captures the essence of Morris’ thinking – that art and […]