Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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Trump’s second term: fascism in the US?

Continuing the discussion of what we can expect from Trump’s second term, highlighting the risks and the opportunities for resistance.

Video | Trump, the US elections, fascism

Will Trump rule as a fascist? A video discussion of the outcomes of the US election.

Review | Become Ungovernable

HLT Quan’s manifesto for ungovernability contributes to strategies for resisting state violence.

The significance of the far-right win in Thuringia

Merilyn Moos discusses the historical significance of results in the regional elections in Germany

A group of protesters holding signs and a large banner that reads "No to Tommy Robinson, No to Fascism

The riots, Tommy Robinson, and the left we need to build

How to mobilise against racism and fascism

Glasgow against fascism: a report on 7th September and thoughts on next steps

Tactical considerations for the antifascist movement in Glasgow.

Working class unity means anti-racist unity: no compromise with racist state power

rs21 members make the case for an anti-racist politics that combats all forms of oppression and exploitation

Four theses on fascism, pogroms and liberation

Reflections on fascism, crisis and class politics, as the left responds to far-right mobilisations.

After the 7th August – building networks across the country

TK Adisa argues that we should celebrate 7 August but build and strengthen networks of resistance

After the horror, the hope

Author and activist Dave Renton reviews a week in which mass anti-racist and anti-fascist protests started to push back 

The storm and the street – racist riots and how to fight back

rs21 statement on the far right protests and how to fight back

Video | Fantasies of the new far right

Richard Seymour on the global far right, disaster nationalism, and fascist fantasies.

Southport murders and fascism

A local perspective on events in Southport and the need for clarity about the threat of fascism.

The French far right pushed back – for now

Ian Birchall assesses the results of the second round of France’s parliamentary elections, celebrating a defeat for the far right and assessing the problems and opportunities ahead.

The revolutionary theatre of Bertolt Brecht

Australian socialist Tess Lee Ack celebrates the life and work of the revolutionary playwright and poet Bertolt Brecht.

Revolutionary Reflections | The Battle of Cable Street

Anti-fascists of all stripes can learn from the success story of 1930s East London organising.

About the Dublin riots: some explanations and responses

Juliana Sassi, a member of the Community Action Tenants Union (CATU), looks beyond simplistic explanations of the recent riots in Dublin to deeper causes, and explains how anti-racists and community campaigners have responded.

Exposing the far-right conspiracy theorists

Pat Stack on the rise of the far right conspiracy theorist The Light newspaper

Review | White Riot

Novel celebrating anti-racist and anti-fascist struggles

Schofield: a homophobic attack, an unequal relationship

The Philip Schofield affair highlights both homophobia and the reality of sexual abuse in certain workplaces.

#IrelandForAll and the anti-racist tradition in Ireland

Recent months have witnessed a growth in far-right organising in Ireland, but also the spread of major anti-racist mobilisations in response. Pádraig Mac Oscair examines these developments and puts them in historical context. In recent months, the inner-city Dublin community of East Wall has seen a series of protests against the potential housing of refugees […]

Fighting fascists in Erskine

Fascists have been organising weekly demonstrations in a small Scottish town – we explain who they are and how antifascists are organising to beat them.

large number of people stand in a town square in Carlisle.

Anti-refugee demonstration in Carlisle – Nazis score a victory against divided opposition

Anti-fascists faced hurdles in mobilising against the first fascist demo to hit Carlisle in years.

Counter demo at the Honor Oak pub, London.

Mobilising against the convergence of the far right and transphobia

Across Britain last weekend, far-right elements and transphobes of various stripes were threatening to organise in large numbers. Several rs21 members took part in activity against them and report back on some of the actions.  South London stands up in numbers Turning Point UK, the embarrassing moribund cousin of the US far-right Turning Point, had […]

‘Bolsonarismo’ after Bolsonaro

Sean Purdy looks at what Lula’s victory means for anti-fascist organising in Brazil.

Stopping the EDL in Walthamstow – ten years on

Opposing the EDL in Walthamstow ten years ago.

Indian farmers protesting on 11 December 2020

India: mass movement of farmers fights corporate power-grab

Two million farmers are camped outside New Delhi, facing down the far-right government’s bid to grab further land for big agribusiness.

A picture of jailed Russian antifascist Ilya Shakursky

‘Solidarity is a stream of sparks’: interview with an antifascist political prisoner

‘We are not alone, we are together, and we will win’: An interview with Russian antifascist political prisoner Ilya Shakursky.

Shaheen Bagh protesters. Keywords: India Modi fascism farmer farmers protest protests

India’s farmers’ protests: the British left must show solidarity

Protests by farmers against neoliberal land-grab reforms are the latest outbreak of dissent against Modi’s fascist government.

A worker walks along the Brooklyn bridge with the Manhattan skyline on the horizon.

Assessing the 2020 US elections

Aaron Amaral and Phil Gasper offer analysis and perspectives coming out of the 2020 U.S. elections. This piece was originally published by Tempest Magazine.