Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Rich Belbin

Review | White Riot

Novel celebrating anti-racist and anti-fascist struggles

16 August 1819

Rich Belbin reviews Mike Leigh’s film Peterloo. The film tells the story of a moment of British history that is too often forgotten.

Future shock for the left: Review of Paul Mason’s PostCapitalism

Rich Belbin reviews Paul Masons recent book, PostCapitalism: A Guide to our Future Paul Mason has become a familiar figure on our TV screens, from his reports on the collapse of Lehman Brothers through to his ’embedded’ interviews with those at the frontline of struggles, from China through Scotland to Greece. His enthusiastic reporting has […]

Sad child

Kids Company – the politics of charity

David Cameron praised Kids Company as part of his “big society”. After the organisation’s collapse last week, Richard Belbin asks what attitude the left should take to charities. The closure of Kids Company has been met with a mixed response from many in the media and indeed from other workers within the voluntary sector. Whilst no […]