Gender and nationalism: Breivik’s ‘Western values’
Breivik’s political motivations for committing the massacre have been consistently side-lined. But when examined, his far-right politics demonstrate clear affinities with much more mainstream right-wing ideology.

No more ‘delays’ to trans rights: reform the GRA now!
Scotland-based rs21 member Leslie Cunningham argues we should all be fighting in the struggle for trans rights, and asks: why the delays to reforming the Gender Recognition Act?

Reading Women, Race & Class 40 years on
Rose Whitehorn reflects on some of the key themes conveyed in Angela Davis’ Women, Race & Class, and this work’s significance during the resurgences in anti-racist and feminist organising.

Alba is a dead end
None of the main pro-independence parliamentary parties are capable of delivering an independent Scotland that puts the needs of working-class people first.

We Will Not Be Divided – Statement from Sisters Uncut
Sisters Uncut’s statement against police and state violence and the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021, originally published on 23 March 2021. rs21 signed the statement alongside groups including Black Lives Matter UK, Jewish Solidarity Action and Docs Not Cops.

Video: building the fightback against transphobia in Britain
Charlotte Powell and Jules Joanne Gleeson speak about what is needed to win trans liberation and defeat transphobia in Britain.

Video: The state of transphobia in Britain
In December, rs21 organised a meeting ‘Transphobia in Britain: Building the Fightback’. Here we present two of the speeches from that meeting, which give an overview of transphobia in Britain, its impact, and prospects for its defeat.

Civil partnerships and reproductive rights in Eastern Europe: an interview with Laima Vaige
rs21’s Leslie Cunningham interviews Dr. Laima Vaige, a feminist and LGBTQ activist from Lithuania, on same-sex partnerships in Lithuania, abortion rights in Poland, and LGBTQ people’s experiences across Europe during the Covid crisis.

Review | Sylvia Pankhurst: Natural Born Rebel
Sylvia Pankhurst’s life was full of tireless activism in the cause of women’s rights, anti-imperialism and the emancipation of the working class

What happened at Clapham Common
An eyewitness account of a powerful event marred by shocking and gratuitous acts of violence by the Metropolitan Police.

We can’t rely on the police to protect women
In the aftermath of Sarah Everard’s murder, politicians immediately called for heavier policing. But more police will not end violence against women.

IWD 2021: Five feminist fights for the year ahead
Reproductive justice, sexual violence and harassment, justice at work: on International Women’s Day, we look at key feminist fights for the year to come.

Review | Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again
Kate Bradley reviews a highly readable intervention into recent debates amongst feminists

Review | It’s a sin
It’s a Sin is a compelling account of the human suffering of the AIDS epidemic and homophobia in the 80s, but the show sometimes seems to be dodging the big political questions.

Poland’s feminist uprising
Women in Poland are making their own cause for hope by taking the streets. rs21 spoke with several feminist activists in Polish union Inicjatywa Pracownicza about the recent wave of feminist strikes and protests.

Autonomous space in Berlin: Liebig34, eviction, and gentrification
The violent police eviction of Berlin’s iconic Liebig34 space is the latest event in a never-ending battle between the city’s radical-left counterculture, and the forces of state-aided gentrification.

What a way to make a living – A former mental health care worker
A former care worker details her experiences in residential mental healthcare.

Review: Radical Happiness
Lynne Segal’s most recent work, Radical Happiness, addresses the relationship between political action and personal fulfilment.

No Recourse to Public Funds: the threat to migrant women and children
Covid-19 has exposed the cruelty of the No Recourse to Public Funds (NPRF) rule. It should be scrapped immediately.

Review | Fortunes of Feminism
Leslie Cunningham reviews Fortunes of Feminism by Nancy Fraser, a critical account of changes in feminist thought in the era of neo-liberalism.

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter
Thinking about rebellion: Keegan O’Brien reflects on the threads that connect the Stonewall Riots to the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.

‘I was born a baby not a boy’: sex, gender and trans liberation
Shanice McBean argues for a Marxism with trans liberation at its heart through a materialist analysis of gender and sex.

Solidarity on the streets of London and Manchester
People protested to stand against the Tories’ attacks on trans rights and to demand justice for Shukri Abdi. The two causes found each other on the streets.

Review: Epstein: Filthy rich
Kate Bradley reviews a documentary series focusing on giving a voice to the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein.

Fighting back better: abolitionist trans struggle and the GRA
To defeat transphobia, we must build radical anti-racist solidarity against state violence

50 years after the Equal Pay Act
Money can’t buy you love – but it does pay the bills. Fifty years after the Equal Pay Act, women are still fighting for equal pay. What lessons we can now learn from the Covid-19 pandemic?

Trans rights and ‘gender ideology’ in Hungary
The Hungarian parliament has passed new legislation that will eradicate any recognition of transgender people. Hanna Gál situates the new developments in the context of the far-right ruling parties’ hostility to ‘gender ideology’ and argues for a trans-inclusive feminist fightback.

What a way to make a living | A personal assistant in social care
Hanna Gál interviews Meriam Mabrouk on working as a personal assistant in social care.

Covid capitalism
In this essay originally published in Spectre Journal, Tithi Bhattacharya and Gareth Dale explore state responses to coronavirus to mitigate the crisis of capital.

revolutionary reflections | Marxism and childhood
Estelle Cooch traces the contradictory history of childhood under capitalism. How do we defend childhood and fight for a world where play and creativity are not limited to children?