Mobilising against the convergence of the far right and transphobia
Across Britain last weekend, far-right elements and transphobes of various stripes were threatening to organise in large numbers. Several rs21 members took part in activity against them and report back on some of the actions. South London stands up in numbers Turning Point UK, the embarrassing moribund cousin of the US far-right Turning Point, had […]

Stand together against attacks on trans people
Over forty local vigils for Brianna Ghey are planned. Stand together against the transphobes.

‘Adult Human Female’ and the contradictions of left-wing transphobia
rs21 member Úna O’Shea debunks a film that claims to provide a ‘materialist’ basis for gender essentialism.

No more divide and rule – fight for trans rights!
Trans activist and rs21 member Leslie Cunningham exposes the lies and hypocrisy behind the Tory attack on trans rights and democracy in Scotland.

Three months of rebellion in Iran
After three months of rebellion in Iran, an Iranian socialist asks how it can win.

Edinburgh fights transphobia
Staff, students and socialists stop the screening of a transphobic film at the University of Edinburgh.

Revolutionary Reflections | Sexual violence, feminism and socialist organising
Discussion: how should socialists organise to stop sexual violence in our organisations?

After the Club Q shooting: building a movement for liberation
The context of the attack, and the radical LGBTQ movement we need.

Gender Recognition Reform in Scotland
The de-medicalisation of Gender Recognition in Scotland appeared to have majority political support, but as rs21 members Graham Checkley and Leslie Cunningham describe it has revealed a vein of transphobia.

Ideologues, apologists and the Qatar World Cup
Something ulterior is at work in the sudden outpouring of concern for queer fans at the Qatar World Cup, argues Lisa Leak.

The fight for abortion and reproductive justice after Roe
Camila Valle, Sherry Wolf, Emily Janakiram, and Holly Lewis discuss how socialists can organise to fight for reproductive justice.

Fighting the US right and its anti-trans crusade
The US right has proposed over 200 bills attacking trans people. Why are they so obsessed? How can trans people and the left fight back?

‘Woman! Life! Freedom!’: the social revolution in Iran
As protests in Iran continue and deepen, an Iranian activist argues for greater solidarity from the left in Britain.

‘We are all Mahsa’: riots shake Iran
Protests and riots have spread across Iran after a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, was murdered by the morality police

When unions and LGBT people fought together in the 1970s
San Francisco gay activists joined a boycott of a union-breaking, racist and homophobic beer company

Activists tell Pride in London: ‘no pride in cops or borders’
On Saturday 2 July, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants halted the Pride in London march to protest against police presence at the event.

Queer liberation and socialism: learning from the stories of a movement
Dana Cloud writes about the history of queer liberation struggle in the United States, its socialist origins, and lessons for today’s queer politics.

This is no time to stay silent
The Depp v Heard trial has unleashed a torrent of misogyny that feminists cannot ignore.

Ban conversion torture
The Tories’ attempt to exclude trans people from the ‘conversion therapy’ ban has triggered a massive backlash.

The union of women and the Paris Commune
An account of the Women’s union of the Paris Commune, extracted from Mark Winter’s forthcoming book ‘Turbulent Women’

The actuality of the revolution: exploitation and oppressions
In this extract from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, Neil Davidson suggests ways to draw struggles against oppression and exploitation together.

The double shift: talking childcare and gender in the pandemic
As many nations re-enter lockdown, Kate Bradley interviews two rs21 members on their experiences with childcare, work and gender during Covid lockdowns.

Reimagining the relationship between care and power
Abu Leila reviews Abolition. Feminism. Now. in the context of radical politics in Britain.

Today’s #KilltheBill protests show that the fight against increased police powers will continue
Protests on the eve of the final House of Lords vote on the Police Crime and Sentencing bill are not a last-ditch effort but a warmup for the fight to come, writes Charlotte Powell.

Capitalism, debt and feminism
Kate Bradley reviews A Feminist Reading of Debt, finding an insightful account of the relationship between debt, gender, and capitalism, as well as examples of how to fight back against debt.

A huge step forward for trans protest in Britain
rs21’s Charlotte Powell reports on a demonstration outside NHS England and explains why it is a hugely important moment in the struggle for trans liberation in Britain.

When is it right for a union to support dismissal?
Kathleen Stock has blamed UCU for her decision to resign from her position.

Review | Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment
We need a feminism integrated with struggles for economic justice and against racism, homophobia and transphobia.

Review | Let the record show
‘Let The Record Show’ is a pathbreaking history of ACT UP founded to fight the AIDS/HIV crisis in New York in the late 1980s.