How to defund the police – strategies for abolition
Jiaqi Kang reports on East London rs21’s meeting on police abolition.

Resist Tory immigration plans
Zareen Taj and Mitch Mitchell look at the effects of the Tories’ proposed new immigration system following Brexit.

Defund the police. Disarm the state.
The demand to defund the police should extend beyond reallocating existing government spending. We also need to address the racist ways that the state polices all aspects of working-class life.

We must act now
As the initially censored Public Health England report makes clear, Covid-19 has exposed the lethal structures of systemic racism in our society. Artwork and text by Katherine Hearst.

Report: Covid 19 and the racism of the state
On Friday, 26 June, rs21 East London held an online meeting to explore the relationship between state racism and the healthcare system during the COVID-19 crisis. Rose Whitehorn writes about some of the key issues discussed.

The Black Lives Matter movement in 2020: results and prospects
Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal considers the situation of the BLM movement in Britain and argues for centring the politics of abolition and anti-imperialist solidarity.

The British left must stand in solidarity with Palestinians
Lisa Leak argues for vocal solidarity with Palestinians as the annexation of the West Bank goes ahead.

Solidarity on the streets of London and Manchester
People protested to stand against the Tories’ attacks on trans rights and to demand justice for Shukri Abdi. The two causes found each other on the streets.

The Fairplay Committee
Mitch Mitchell recounts the legacy of the Fairplay Committee, a group aiming to improve the conditions of black workers in the music industry.

Anti-racism and rebuilding union strength
Liverpool dockers fought a valiant campaign in the 1990s to defend their jobs from an anti-union crackdown. Now they are rebuilding their union with fighting and internationalist traditions.

Anti-racism, solidarity and the language of our movement
Arjun Mahadevan shares his perspective on political education coming from a place of solidarity.

Anti-racists reclaim Glasgow
Over the past fortnight Glasgow has become a flash point in the fight against the far right, demonstrating the inherent link between British Unionism and white supremacy.

Black Lives Matter: ‘If you are not angry, you are not paying attention’
Five years after the murder of Sheku Bayoh, Ikenna Azụbụike Ọnwụnabọnze explains the relevance of Black Lives Matter in Scotland.

Fighting back better: abolitionist trans struggle and the GRA
To defeat transphobia, we must build radical anti-racist solidarity against state violence

Whose side are you on?
The Black Lives Matter protests have come up against police and the far right in the streets. Starmer’s Labour Party has taken the side of the cops.

Tear them all down!
The toppling of the statue to slave trader Edward Colston on Sunday 7 June has echoed around the world.

The villains of Parliament Square
A who’s-who of the murderous colonialists set in stone in Parliament Square Gardens.

Hong Kong trade unions call for strike
Can workers turn opposition to Beijing’s ‘National Security Law’ into action in Hong Kong?

Over 150 UK towns join BLM protests
From the toppling of a statue to the slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol, to the protest demanding justice for Sheku Bayoh in Kirkcaldy, people took to the streets to say: ‘The UK is not innocent.’

Video: Black Lives Matter
Black activists in Britain talk about the response to the murder of George Floyd, underlying racism and economic factors, links with the pandemic and how we build anti-racist solidarity.

Ten Days That Shook the World
In the ten days since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, an anti-racist uprising has spread across the United States. Across the world, people are taking action in solidarity and mobilising against state racism.

Paris: A historic day against police violence and state racism
50,000 people took to the streets in Paris on Tuesday 2 June, only two days after 10,000 undocumented migrants had protested against the immigration system.

‘Justice for Belly! Justice for George!’
Mass protests have returned to British streets, calling for justice for George Floyd and Belly Mujinga, and an end to systemic racism and police violence.

Government shuts door on child refugees
Amid the coronavirus chaos, the UK government is quietly shutting the door on child refugees.

What a way to make a living | A personal assistant in social care
Hanna Gál interviews Meriam Mabrouk on working as a personal assistant in social care.

The end of immigration detention?
Could we be seeing the end of immigration detention? As other countries close their detention centres, Lois JC asks if we can make the UK do the same – and for good.

Coronavirus and its impact on Black communities
In the rising coronavirus death toll, black and brown people in the UK are represented in disproportionate numbers, due to not only discrimination and poverty, but because they make up a sizeable amount of the frontline workforce working without adequate PPE, argues Zita Holbourne.

Refugees and Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has made life even harder for refugees and people on the move, explains Mitch Mitchell of Refugee Lifeboat.

The police won’t keep us safe – our neighbours will
In a scramble to appear to have a strong handle on the coronavirus crisis, the government introduced sweeping new police powers to enforce the lockdown. Hanna Gál writes on why these measures will not keep us safe.