Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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Borders, migration and race

A photo of Manston camp from 30 October 2022, showing a large number of people fenced in with barbed wire and many security guards, with children running towards the barbed wire fence in front of the camera.

Eye-witness report from Manston Camp

Camp well over twice capacity, vulnerable people sleeping on the floor.

People queue to vote at Stockholm Central Station

Far right gains in Swedish elections

The results are rooted in neoliberalism, racism and growing inequality

Marchers with placards reading Justice for Chris Kaba!

Justice for Chris Kaba, shot dead by Met Police

5,000 marchers accuse police of racism

University workers strike against unequal pay, racism and union busting

Outsourced workers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine take strike action.

LGSM members' die-in on the Pride route

Activists tell Pride in London: ‘no pride in cops or borders’

On Saturday 2 July, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants halted the Pride in London march to protest against police presence at the event.

Rwanda protests cap a week of anti-racist struggle

 People have taken to the streets in numbers to protest the Tories’ racist plans to deport asylum speakers to Rwanda. rs21 members report on a week of mobilisations in London against the deportations.

Photo of protest outside Stoke Newington police station on 18 March after revalations that Child Q was strip-searched in her school in Hackney

Cops out of schools!

rs21 members report on the protests in London and Manchester after the revelation that Child Q was strip searched in her school.

Afghanistan: the end of the occupation

The fall of Kabul marks a decisive defeat for American power around the world.

Crowd on protest applauding

Germany’s Namibia Genocide Apology: the limits of decolonising the past

What are possible international ramifications of the Namibian-German agreement?

Remembering Utøya

We cannot allow the memory of the Utøya massacre ten years ago to be co-opted and depoliticised. Breivik’s murderous Islamophobia and his hatred of the Left display affinities with far more mainstream political ideology.

Gender and nationalism: Breivik’s ‘Western values’

Breivik’s political motivations for committing the massacre have been consistently side-lined. But when examined, his far-right politics demonstrate clear affinities with much more mainstream right-wing ideology.

Review | Migration Beyond Capitalism

Baindu Kallon reviews Hannah Cross’ new book Migration Beyond Capitalism. Kallon celebrates a book that brings a new left-wing response to the narrative around migration. Cross, Kallon argues, effectively demonstrates why an internationalist working-class response is the key to defeating neoliberal power and creating a new world. This review was originally published by the Review of […]

South London marches against racist policing

The demonstration was a visible display of the type of solidarity we need when the Tories’ hostile environment targets some of the most precarious workers in our communities.

Riot police surround a chalet during the Dale Farm eviction in 2011.

How the Police Bill targets Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

The Police Bill will further criminalise GRT people. Charlotte Powell interviews Luke Smith from GRTSocialists.

The Good Lord Bird: John Brown’s militant abolitionism

Bill Crane looks at the life of militant US abolitionist John Brown and his portrayal in a recent TV adaptation of James McBride’s novel The Good Lord Bird.

Review | Sinews of War and Trade

Mykola Macke reviews an important book which bring together the history of development in the region with the parallel evolution of world shipping routes as the life-blood of world capitalism.

An image showing a snowy street in Govanhill, Glasgow.

Govanhill: ghettoisation and exploitation in modern Glasgow

Slum housing, hyper-exploitation and racist demagoguery are alive and kicking in the Scotland of 2021 – along with the basis for internationalist solidarity and resistance.

Keywords: fascism far right wing nationalism Brexit

Video: Confronting the British state

Three activists speak on the Scottish independence movement, the Tory Party’s right-wing populist strategy, and the political role of migrant solidarity.

Banner reads: Comprehensive Security Law: Surveil and Punish. Keywords: France authoritarianism security law

France’s authoritarian turn: Islamophobia and the security state

Macron has backtracked after hundreds of thousands of people protested against the Comprehensive Security Law that would ban filming police officers.

Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer. Keywords: antisemitism anti-semitism Labour Party racist racism

The antisemitism of Sir Keir Starmer

The Labour leadership treats British Jews as pawns in its factional war against the left. Meanwhile, its so-called ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach contributes nothing to any serious attempt to tackle antisemitism.

A squad of riot police march past the National Gallery in London.

What does abolition mean in modern Britain?

The Black Lives Matter movement has sown seeds of hope worldwide for the abolition of police. But policing in the UK goes far beyond the bodies of armed men in uniform.

Break the border

Socialists are fighting against borders around the world. East London rs21 recently held a meeting to discuss strategy for this struggle in the here and now. Watch recordings of the opening speeches here. 

Fortress Europe after Moria

After Moria burned to the ground, a new camp was quickly built to replace it. We interviewed Chloe Haralambous and Michalis Poulimas about events on the ground and what they mean for the EU border regime.

Protestors sit down outside a police station at the Battle for Brick Lane in 1978

Unfixing South Asian identity: beyond the politics of allyship

The most effective anti-racist strategy will draw together all those affected or repulsed by racism in a common struggle to overcome it.

Two Black protesters on a motorbike, one of them raises a fist, in front of a burning car in a dark city street.

revolutionary reflections | Capitalism, racialisation and resistance

Arjun Mahadevan argues that to build effective anti-racist struggles we need to acknowledge that racism was central to the development of capitalism.

The BLM Summer and the US elections

Amidst an ongoing anti-racist uprising of unprecedented size and militancy, the US presidential election is approaching.

Four protesters stand on top of Elbit's building with a banner reading "Shut down Elbit" and Palestine flags.

Palestine activists shut down Elbit arms factory

Activists are taking courageous direct action to shut down a factory owned by Elbit, Israel’s largest private arms firm, which is also involved in policing migrants arriving to Britain.

London protest demands safe passage

Protestors gathered outside the Home Office to demand safe passage for migrants making the crossing over the Channel and held a vigil for a Sudanese young person who died making the crossing.

protest signs read: No Recourse No Safety

No Recourse to Public Funds: the threat to migrant women and children

Covid-19 has exposed the cruelty of the No Recourse to Public Funds (NPRF) rule. It should be scrapped immediately.

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter

Thinking about rebellion: Keegan O’Brien reflects on the threads that connect the Stonewall Riots to the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.