So long Mr Normal
Caliban's Revenge •An original artwork by Caliban’s Revenge on Owen Smith.
An original artwork by Caliban’s Revenge on Owen Smith.
rs21 member David Renton uses the idea of ‘permanent revolution’ to understand the prospect of global counter-revolution we face today.
A revolutionary Marxist organisation in the US considers a Left re-orientation and response to the dismal US electoral situation.
Social services gutted, green transition neglected, public money funnelled to private business.
Ten years on from the Scottish independence referendum – a report of a Conter conference held on 14 September 2024
Kate Deer takes a critical look at the new government’s claims that Britain has ‘maxed out its credit card’.
don’t quite get this image. could someone explain it to me?
Is that Alex Callinicos in the picture? Goodbye Mr Normal?
It’s Owen Smith – remember him?