Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

rs21 IWD meeting: No More Blurred Lines


Watch the video from rs21’s event ‘No More Blurred Lines: sexism and exploitation in the neoliberal era’ organised for International Women’s Day 2014.

By Christmas 2013, Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines had become the best selling song of the year. The song (which was later banned at several universities for lyrics that seemed to legitimise, even celebrate, rape) summed up the vicious and relentless raunch culture that has emerged in recent years. Alongside this, women have been one of the worst groups affected by the Tories austerity agenda.

Despite this, the past five years has seen a steady resurgence in the women’s movement across the globe. Women have been at the forefront of fighting sexual assault on campus, striking in Egypt and struggling for abortion rights in Spain.

Speaking at the meeting – organised by rs21 for International Women’s Day – were:



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