Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Articles >


Marxism in struggle and what that means

What does it mean to be a Marxist today? An exploration of the depth and breadth of Marxism – not just as a theory, but as a living tradition.

Review | She Who Struggles

Exploring the role of women in twentieth-century revolutionary and national-liberation movements.

Review | Raising the Red Flag

The lead up to the formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain in 1921, and lessons for today

Everything must fall, everything must change

The current regime in Kenya has been struck a devastating blow by the uprising of youth. The state has been weakened and is now vulnerable. This regime can fall.

Imperialism and British workers: moving past the labour aristocracy debates

Our history is shaped by the legacy of empire.  Alfie Hancox takes a critical look at debates on Labour and Imperialism

The Zapatistas – the first revolutionaries of the new age

 Mike Gonzalez looks at how events in Chiapas have unfolded since 1994 and assesses the latest developments as Mexico elects a woman president for the first time.

Ecological politics and revolutionary strategy

Harry H reflects on ecological politics and revolutionary strategy in a Nakba day talk at the Warwick encampment

Remembering the Portuguese Revolution

Marxist historian Raquel Varela remembers the Portuguese revolution of April 25 1974 and its aftermath

rs21 updates its ‘About Us’ statement

The new rs21 ‘about us’ – how the membership designed the new statement

Review | The State and Revolution

Lenin’s The State and Revolution is one of the most important books he ever wrote, a restatement and rediscovery of the revolutionary understanding of the state.

Global crises and global revolts

Shireen Akram-Boshar on multiple global crises and revolts, signalling rising popular rage against the neoliberal capitalist order

The Neil Davidson Lecture 2023: Uneven and combined development in Neil Davidson’s work

Raquel Valera on Neil Davidson’s contribution to the theory of uneven and combined development and revolution.

Capitalism cannot save us from the climate crisis

The pursuit of profit and economic growth is pushing us beyond safe limits of global heating, biodiversity loss and ocean acidification.

Revolt and reaction: lessons from the struggles in Sudan, Syria, and Palestine

Revolution and reaction in Sudan, Syria and Palestine.

London in revolt – revisiting the English Civil War

Andrew Stone looks at a new history of the origins of the English Civil Wars, finding an engaging account of the class character of the process which ultimately saw Charles I executed. London may not have the same revolutionary reputation of Paris or St Petersburg, but in this new account of the outbreak of the […]

The union of women and the Paris Commune

An account of the Women’s union of the Paris Commune, extracted from Mark Winter’s forthcoming book ‘Turbulent Women’

The actuality of the revolution: exploitation and oppressions

In this extract from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, Neil Davidson suggests ways to draw struggles against oppression and exploitation together.

Image shows the cover of ABOLITION.FEMINSM.NOW by Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie, plus background images of protestors.

Reimagining the relationship between care and power

Abu Leila reviews Abolition. Feminism. Now. in the context of radical politics in Britain.

Cover image: We only want the earth: Anti-capitalism against the climate crisis

We only want the earth: a new pamphlet from rs21

rs21 has published a new pamphlet by Gus Woody ‘We only want the earth: Anti-capitalism against the climate crisis’

Protestors demonstrate in solidarity with the uprisings in Sudan against the military coup, October 2021

Stand with the people of Sudan!

‘We ask the working class worldwide to stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan.’

Cover image of Revolutionary Rehearsals

Extracts from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age

On the possibility of socialist revolution and the tragedy of the Egyptian revolution.

Colombian police officers. Keywords: Colombia police violence

Review | Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age

Andy N reviews Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, a new collection discussing political upheavals since 1989. He finds a wide ranging and insightful work, which will deepen both the theory and practice of the modern left. Colin Barker, Gareth Dale, and Neil Davidson, Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2021) 410 […]

A portrait of Paris Communard Leo Frankel

Review | Léo Frankel, life of a Communard

Ian Birchall reviews a new French biography of Paris Commune member Léo Frankel.

An image of scrap metal on a wasteland, an ex-industrial area in Sered, Slovakia

Review | Hope Against Hope: Cyborg thinking in disaster zones

Hope Against Hope contains some of the finest work of thinkers at the intersection of abolitionism, cyborg natures, and ecological revolutionary socialism

A ceramic portrait of Jules Vallès

The Paris Commune: the Cry of the People

Over the coming three months rs21 will use articles from the Commune’s leading newspaper, Le Cri du Peuple to draw out the history of the Paris Commune.

Wildfires in California in 2015

Global fever

The Covid-19 pandemic is a foretaste of the approaching climate catastrophe. Andreas Malm’s electrifying new book looks at both these crises and asks what we’ll need to do to face them down.

Review: Who the hell is… Karl Marx?

Manus McGrogan’s new introduction to Marx and Marxism combines theory with a vision of a world free of exploitation and oppression.

Audio: Neil Davidson on 1968

Join comrades and friends in an online event to remember Neil Davidson (1957-2020). Here we remember him with a talk he gave on the revolutionary upheavals of 1968.

Ten Days That Shook the World

In the ten days since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, an anti-racist uprising has spread across the United States. Across the world, people are taking action in solidarity and mobilising against state racism.

Neil Davidson (1957-2020)

We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our comrade and friend, Neil Davidson. We send our condolences to his family, in particular to his partner Cathy Watkins. A full obituary will follow.