Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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Review | Overshoot: How the world surrendered to climate breakdown

Malm and Carton’s revolutionary call to climate action

Earth hurtles toward ultimate tipping point as climate summit ends in a cop-out

Amid climate catastrophe, hope hinges on action.

GKN Florence: this is what worker led just transition looks like

After more than 3 years in occupation, the Florence GKN workers’ fight to save jobs and develop alternative production continues

Take back the lake – a report on the Ireland climate camp

A report from the climate camp at Lough Neagh.

Grangemouth – the fight for jobs and climate justice

INEOS’s plans to close Scotland’s only petrol refinery at Grangemouth represent a critical test for both unions and climate campaigners.

Green class struggle: workers and the just transition

Climate politics is not the playground of distant elites, but a field where collective action is decisive.

photo of a mine

Extraction of raw materials could rise 60% by 2060 – and making mining ‘greener’ won’t stop the damage

Gareth Dale debunks the notion that mass extraction of minerals is necessary for an ecologically sustainable society.

Why the world’s first flight powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel is a green mirage

November saw the first transatlantic flight using what’s claimed to be a sustainable aviation fuel. Gareth Dale and Josh Moos interrogate the latest claims for green flight.

Oily Money Out – a leap forward for British environmentalism

The international climate movement bamboozled London’s fossil fuel conference. rs21 members report.

Will a green transition benefit Africa?

What if climate adaptation continues to mirror logics of fossil capital?

China – end of the boom?

rs21 member Charlie Hore explores how a changing demographic, environmental issues and inherent instability pose serious threats to the growth of the Chinese economy.

Sunak wants to kill our planet

Gus Woody argues that the Tories’ latest environmental U-turns are part of a cynical power grab that all socialists should resist. Yesterday, Rishi Sunak announced that he was watering down many of the already meagre measures the Government was taking to the breakdown of the environment. These included delaying the phase out of the sale […]

Ende Gelände ‘System Change Camp’ report

The recent environmental justice movement camp held in Germany demonstrates the importance of building international networks in the climate movement.

climate activists march toward the refinery

Climate Camp Scotland 2023

INEOS got the climate camp treatment. rs21 climate activists report.

people dressed as blackbirds on the street

Extinction Rebellion at a crossroads

XR changed tactics for the Big One. Gus Woody comments on the protest and next moves.

photo of a small village surrounded by green fields lines with trees and hedgerows

The Politics of Rural Life – a conversation with Vron Ware

Vron Ware, author of Return of a Native: learning from the land, gave a talk on the politics of rural life as part of rs21 Endgames, a series of monthly ecosocialist events.

Lancashire fracking protest, 2018

Tories bring back fracking – major protests to come

Tories are happy to trash the environment – activists are ready to fight

Image shows two people in front of Parliament holding signs that read "Code Red for Humanity: Ten More Years - Will Crops Grow?' and 'Trees Need Rights Too! Make ecocide a crime!'

Can ‘green laws’ stop climate change?

As environmental campaigners turn to the law to stop climate change, barrister David Renton argues legal challenges and ‘green laws’ alone cannot guarantee the massive change we need.

Banner reads: Workers of the world, unite! #System Change Not Climate Change

Climate protesters hit the streets across Britain

Reports from climate protests around Britain as part of the global day of action around COP26

An image of scrap metal on a wasteland, an ex-industrial area in Sered, Slovakia

Review | Hope Against Hope: Cyborg thinking in disaster zones

Hope Against Hope contains some of the finest work of thinkers at the intersection of abolitionism, cyborg natures, and ecological revolutionary socialism

Photo of Swanscombe marshes. Keywords: gentrification urban cities green spaces wildlife habitat Britain RSPB

The Great British wildlife wipe-out

Wildlife habitat and green spaces are essential in allowing us to lead fulfilling lives, but both are under threat from constant profit-led development.

Lighting a spark: How to Blow Up a Pipeline

How to Blow Up a Pipeline gives a balanced assessment of the conditions which make strategic direct action necessary in a warming world.

Neoliberal ‘Omnibus Law’ sparks rebellion in Indonesia

Indonesia’s neoliberal regime is using the pandemic to attack workers’ rights and environmental protections. Workers and students have other ideas.

RCMP officers patrol the Unist'ot'en camp with dogs after a raid. In the background, red dresses hang, symbolising Indigenous women missing and murdered under colonial occupation.

How Facebook tried to censor Indigenous struggle

The social media platform banned over 200 accounts immediately before a day of online action.

Wildfires in California in 2015

Global fever

The Covid-19 pandemic is a foretaste of the approaching climate catastrophe. Andreas Malm’s electrifying new book looks at both these crises and asks what we’ll need to do to face them down.

Members of the Kayapó Mekragnotire people blockade an attempted land encroachment in the state of Pará.

Brazil: Bolsonaro attempts genocide of Indigenous peoples

Brazil’s far-right government has used Covid-19 as a weapon against Indigenous peoples

Haigh Mining Museum (Whitehaven)

Cumbria: protests build before coal mine decision

ining developers are trying to force a new coal mine on Cumbria. Campaigners are fighting back

climate, coronavirus & capitalism

Video: Climate, coronavirus and capitalism

A video of a discussion on Andreas Malm’s forthcoming book ‘Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century’, introduced by Gareth Dale.

Review: On Fire by Naomi Klein

Katherine Hearst reviews On Fire, a wide-ranging examination of the climate crisis that argues for a comprehensive ‘Green New Deal’. 

Report: Greta Thunberg at Bristol YouthStrike4Climate

Escee reports on Greta Thunberg’s visit to Bristol on Friday, 28 February.