Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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First came the floods, then came the bulldozers

Before the mass revolt in Kenya spread countrywide in June, it had started in the informal settlement area of Mathare, in Nairobi, following forced evictions.

Take back the lake – a report on the Ireland climate camp

A report from the climate camp at Lough Neagh.

Resisting Israeli scholasticide and academic apartheid – interview with Maya Wind

Israel’s genocidal war is massacring Palestinians and destroying their infrastructure, in particular, targeting Palestinian educational institutions

Settler colonialism and socialist politics – a contribution to the debate

David Camfield, a socialist active in the Canadian state, responds to the debate on this website about settler-colonialism. 

Debate on settler colonialism: Part 4

Steve Leigh contributes with a review of Englert’s book.

A man walks past the occupation wall in Palestine, two birds are in a cage in the foreground.

Debate – a response on settler colonialism

If we are to overthrow capitalism, we need to engage with what stabilises it. 

Remembering the Portuguese Revolution

Marxist historian Raquel Varela remembers the Portuguese revolution of April 25 1974 and its aftermath

Interview | Empire of Normality

Hazel Croft talks to author Robert Chapman about their new book and discusses neurodiversity and how we can challenge the capitalist logics of ‘normality’.

Palestine 101: Asking questions of Zionism

Sherry Wolf interrogates three common claims made by supporters of the state of Israel.

Palestine 101: Israel is the watchdog of US imperialism

brian bean analyses US support for Israel and the geopolitical implications of the war on Gaza

Debate – the limitations of settler colonial theory

Australian socialist Jordan Humphreys, author of recent book ‘Indigenous Liberation & Socialism’ replies to two recent articles by Sai Englert on settler colonial theory.

Palestine 101: A century of Palestinian resistance

Shireen Akram-Boshar discusses the history of Palestinian resistance to colonialism.

Ceasefire Now rally, London Trafalgar Sq, 4.11.23

Why I support Palestine: an interview with Merilyn Moos

My family in Germany were killed by Nazis because they were Jews. What Israel has constructed in Gaza is a concentration camp.

Settler colonialism, Zionism and Palestinian liberation

Sai Englert on the relationship between the Zionist labour movement and the road to Palestinian liberation.

Settler colonialism and the birth of global capitalism

Sai Englert discusses the history of settler colonialism and its central role in the development of global capitalism

Hope amid the horror: Palestinian resistance after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Anindya Bhattacharyya analyses Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its repercussions for resistance to occupation and imperialism.

cover of the book, and a man looking at WW1 death technology

Learning from the Second International: a review of Reform, Revolution and Opportunism

Mike Taber’s new collection exposes fissures within the Second International.

Review | Shows at the Whitworth Gallery Manchester

Colonialism, art, the museum logistics chain. Gareth Dale reviews this month’s shows at the Whitworth.

Image is a close-up of a crowd holding a variety of union flags including PCS and RMT, with placards saying "Protect our right to strike" and "Defend the Right to Strike". The people in the shot apear diverse in age, gender and race. In the centre of the shot, a person in a yellow shirt with the word 'RESIST' on it raises their left fist.

‘Lack and longing’: an interview with Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever

Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever answer questions about race, nation, working class struggle and the breakdown of Britain’s democratic settlement.

Image shows the cover of the book Britain in Fragments, set against the backdrop of a union flag.

Review | Britain in Fragments

Satnam Virdee and Brendan McGeever bring a historic account of racism in Britain over the last century. Colin Wilson reviews Britain in Fragments.

George Padmore reading a newspaper.

Review | Making the Revolution Global

The history of black anticolonial radicals in Britain is central to the history of the left.

Image shows a portion of the front cover of Leo Zeilig's book on Walter Rodney.

Review | A Revolutionary for Our Time: the Walter Rodney Story

Rachel Iboraii reviews Leo Zeilig book on Walter Rodney, finding a compelling account of the life of the great Marxist and pan-Africanist.

Image shows five Indonesian protesters holding signs including 'Tolak RKUHP' - "resist the criminal code". It is a mix of men and women and their faces are masked.

The state strikes again: the new Indonesian criminal code

Frans Ari Prasetyo explains the new repressive criminal code that has just been passed in Indonesia – and outlines the resistance it faces.

Couple dancing to son music in Cuba

Music of the streets, music of rebellion

The 1920s saw the emergence of new kinds of music around the world, sometimes with links to anti-colonial movements.

Review | Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire

Caroline Elkins’ compelling new book makes the barbarity of the British empire in the twentieth century absolutely clear.

A photo of the occupation of the British Museum by BP or not BP

Activists occupy the British Museum

This weekend, climate and anti-colonial activists occupied the British Museum in opposition to its oil sponsorships.

Crowd on protest applauding

Germany’s Namibia Genocide Apology: the limits of decolonising the past

What are possible international ramifications of the Namibian-German agreement?

An engraving depicting the 1871 revolt against French rule in the Kabylia region of Algeria

1871: the Commune and the Kabylia

Rosa Moussaoui recalls the uprising that swept colonised Algeria at the same moment that a Universal Republic was proclaimed in Paris

A photo of ships in Istanbul taken in 1854

Review | A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism

Nick Evans reviews a new book that calls for a radical rethinking of the history of capitalism.

Photo from an action against Elbit Systems showing two protesters sitting in a doorway in front of the weapons factory's graffitied door, which reads 'Shut Elbit Down'. Fake blood is poured across the steps in front of them, as well as a sign that reads 'Ouch'.

‘That’s the power of direct action’: an interview with Palestine Action

On Feb 1 2021, Palestine Action and XR North shut down the Elbit Systems factory in Oldham. rs21 spoke with Huda and Richard from Palestine Action about Elbit, Palestine and direct action tactics.