Review | Overshoot: How the world surrendered to climate breakdown
Malm and Carton’s revolutionary call to climate action
Earth hurtles toward ultimate tipping point as climate summit ends in a cop-out
Amid climate catastrophe, hope hinges on action.
GKN Florence: this is what worker led just transition looks like
After more than 3 years in occupation, the Florence GKN workers’ fight to save jobs and develop alternative production continues
Take back the lake – a report on the Ireland climate camp
A report from the climate camp at Lough Neagh.
Grangemouth – the fight for jobs and climate justice
INEOS’s plans to close Scotland’s only petrol refinery at Grangemouth represent a critical test for both unions and climate campaigners.
How Chinese and African organisers came together to protest an oil pipeline
Report on Chinese diaspora communities resisting EACOP.
Green class struggle: workers and the just transition
Climate politics is not the playground of distant elites, but a field where collective action is decisive.
Green imperialism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Imperial powers control and profit from the DRC’s minerals. Ben Radley explains the history and calls for protest.
Ecological politics and revolutionary strategy
Harry H reflects on ecological politics and revolutionary strategy in a Nakba day talk at the Warwick encampment
Climate failure sparks SNP crisis
Pete Cannell looks at how the gulf between the SNP’s rhetoric and climate policies that relied on partnership with the oil and gas industry sparked a crisis.
Interview with Energy Embargo for Palestine
rs21 interviews the activist group Energy Embargo for Palestine
Climate denial and far right populism
Pete Cannell explores the way in which far right populist parties are using climate denial as a key part of their agenda.
Extraction of raw materials could rise 60% by 2060 – and making mining ‘greener’ won’t stop the damage
Gareth Dale debunks the notion that mass extraction of minerals is necessary for an ecologically sustainable society.
rs21 – the first ten years
For the tenth anniversary of the launch of rs21, Jonny Jones reflects on a decade of activity, our ups and downs, challenges and achievements, and considers our hopes for the future.
Why the world’s first flight powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel is a green mirage
November saw the first transatlantic flight using what’s claimed to be a sustainable aviation fuel. Gareth Dale and Josh Moos interrogate the latest claims for green flight.
Oily Money Out – a leap forward for British environmentalism
The international climate movement bamboozled London’s fossil fuel conference. rs21 members report.
Will a green transition benefit Africa?
What if climate adaptation continues to mirror logics of fossil capital?
Report from the Global Climate Jobs conference
Critical discussions on the role workers’ organising must play in the transition to a zero carbon economy.
What’s going on in Unite? | Part 2
Unite activist assesses Sharon Graham’s leadership of the union. Part 2.
China – end of the boom?
rs21 member Charlie Hore explores how a changing demographic, environmental issues and inherent instability pose serious threats to the growth of the Chinese economy.
Sunak wants to kill our planet
Gus Woody argues that the Tories’ latest environmental U-turns are part of a cynical power grab that all socialists should resist. Yesterday, Rishi Sunak announced that he was watering down many of the already meagre measures the Government was taking to the breakdown of the environment. These included delaying the phase out of the sale […]
The politics of degrowth – technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism
What does Marxism bring to degrowth, or what does degrowth bring to Marxism?
Ende Gelände ‘System Change Camp’ report
The recent environmental justice movement camp held in Germany demonstrates the importance of building international networks in the climate movement.
Capitalism cannot save us from the climate crisis
The pursuit of profit and economic growth is pushing us beyond safe limits of global heating, biodiversity loss and ocean acidification.
Sunak fiddles while Rhodes burns
Pete Cannell and Brian Parkin take a critical look at Sunak’s recent oil and gas announcement. This piece was originally published on the SCOT.E3 blog. On Monday Rishi Sunak flew to Aberdeenshire by private jet to announce that at least one hundred new North Sea drilling licences will be granted in the autumn. A policy described […]
Leftist direct action thrillers: a new genre?
I’m a Virgo, How to Blow Up a Pipeline, Black 47 and Codename Jenny
A World to Win: rs21 All Member Assembly report
rs21 organised A World to Win as part of our All Member Assembly. We discussed the new right, climate breakdown and the strike wave.
El Niño is accelerating climate chaos: it’s time for action
The extreme heat of the upcoming El Niño years should compel us to subordinate profit motives to urgent climate goals.
Review | Marx in the Anthropocene
The joys and pitfalls of degrowth communism – Gus Woody reviews an important new book on ecosocialism.