Model Motion: Solidarity with the Elbit 8
rs21 member •Various Palestine Action activists will be standing trial, or are currently standing trial, for taking direct action against Israeli apartheid. They have been part of a campaign against Elbit systems, who produce arms for the Israeli army to use against Palestinians.
An rs21 member has written a motion for their union branch to stand in solidarity with these activists and with Palestinians in their struggle against occupation and apartheid. It is shared here as a template motion – please use, adapt, and share it in your own unions or organisations.
This branch notes:
The Palestinian people have suffered under over 70 years of dispossession, occupation and apartheid. Amnesty International and prominent Israeli human rights organisations have labelled Israel’s domination of Palestine as an apartheid system. (Sources here and here)
The [union] is affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and supports their call for all Palestinians to be restored in their rights to their land, homes and dignity. [delete/replace depending on your union’s affiliations]
Palestine Action, although not identical with PSC, is part of the struggle against Israeli apartheid. They have identified the UK’s complicity in providing the regime with weapons.
Activists from PA were arrested for occupying a series of Elbit Systems factories. Elbit Systems produce the drones used by the Israeli army to enforce apartheid. The activists have since been charged with burglary, criminal damage and blackmail for taking direct action against this company.
The trial of the “Elbit 8” will start on October 10th at Snaresbrook County Court, which is in Redbridge and very close to our borough.
This branch resolves:
To express our solidarity with the protestors and issue the following statement:
[Branch name] stand in solidarity with Palestine Action’s #ElbitEight, who are going on trial October 10th against Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit Systems. We stand with you in the Palestinian struggle for life – #ElbitIsGuilty, #ShutElbitDown everywhere!
To donate £200 to the legal fund of the activists. [adjust depending on branch size & finances]
To encourage [union] members to attend the court where possible during the trial to show support for victimised human rights defenders and ensure that the crime of apartheid is condemned.