Students and workers will be joining the climate strikes in Brazil. ‘Save our future! Climate Justice = Salles Out!’ Environment minister Ricardo Salles called for Brazil to ‘monetise the Amazon’. Photo: Mídia Ninja
Build on this climate strike
rs21 •Today’s global climate strikes (20 September 2019) represent a crucial opportunity for the movement against climate catastrophe. Take part and send us reports, photos and videos!
The school strikers around the world have already shifted the debate on climate. They have put the campaign for climate jobs and a just transition at the centre of their demands, and their call for workers to join them today has been answered with around 4,000 events planned in 120 different countries.
Already in Australia, around 300,000 people have taken part in over 100 rallies around the country.
In Pakistan, marches have been planned in 22 town and cities, and are now under way:
Take part wherever you are. If you have not already been involved in preparing for the strike in your workplace or local area, there are useful lists of events here, here and here, with a list of London rallies here.
Read our rs21 leaflet here.
It is hugely significant that so many unions and the TUC have given their support for various forms of action, and in many places employers have been pressurised into allowing workers to take action. This provides an opening for us to argue for all-out strike action for the climate, and to fight to build workplace power and end or defy the anti-union laws that are currently holding that back in many places.
Send us your reports!
We will be gathering photos, videos and reports from around the UK, and the world, to publish on the rs21 website this weekend. Please send in your reports to rs21editorial@gmail.com