Declaration from the Forces of Freedom and Change in Sudan
rs21 •The army has today (3 June 2019) broken up the sit-in in Khartoum. A Declaration from the Forces of Freedom and Change in Sudan accuses the Transitional Military Council of staging a coup against the revolution; announces an end to all efforts to negotiate and declares a general strike and civil disobedience until the regime falls.
This is an unofficial English translation of the declaration. The previous declaration was the 1 January 2019 Declaration of Freedom and Change. The MENA Solidarity Network have published a call for action aimed at people in Britain, and there will be a demonstration in London on 8 June.
Declaration of cessation of negotiations with the coup council and call for civil disobedience
The Forces of Freedom and Change continue, in united and unified spirit more than ever before, to follow developments regarding the crime of the massacre at the sit-in [in front of the Military General Command in Khartoum]. In this regard, we declare that according to preliminary statistics, we lost at least 13 martyrs to the bullets of the treacherous coup council, and hundreds of injured and wounded. We affirm the following:
First, the Coup Council bears full responsibility for this crime, and we confirm that it planned to carry out this crime in Khartoum and other cities, including the city of al-Nahud, where various forces of Rapid Support [Forces], the army, the police and the brigades and militias, dispersed the peaceful sit-in. And we confirm that the area of the [Military General] Command contains only the pure bodies of our martyrs, whom we have not yet been able to evacuate.
Second, we declare the cessation of all political contact with the coup council and an end to the negotiations. We declare that the council is no longer qualified to negotiate with the Sudanese people, and that its leaders and members bear the criminal responsibility for the blood that has been shed since 11 April 2019. We will endeavour to bring them to fair trials before a fair and impartial judiciary, in the inevitable Sudan of Revolution.
Thirdly, we in the Forces of Freedom and Change announce a political strike and complete and open civil disobedience as of today, 3 June 2019, until the overthrow of the regime.
Fourth, the Forces of Freedom and Change call upon those with integrity in the armed forces and the police to carry out the duty to protect the Sudanese people from the militias of the coup council and its shadow gangs and janjaweed, and to take the side of the people’s choice of overthrowing the regime and establishing a full transitional civil authority.
Fifth, we appeal to the regional and international community to not recognise the coup and to side with the choices of the Sudanese people’s revolution.
The Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change
3 June 2019