Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Block the Factory! Shut down the Elbit Systems Factory on 6 July

Neil Rogall
Neil Rogall urges support for action blocking the Elbit arms factory on 6 July.
It is a year since Israel’s war on Gaza that killed thousands of Palestinians. The Israeli owned Elbit Systems factory in Shenstone near Birmingham manufactures the drones used to murder them. On 6 July last year campaigners occupied the factory. They were angry that Israel is producing weapons of death in the heart of England. For a day the killing machines ground to a halt – Elbit Systems lost over £100,000.
Since then nothing has changed for the better in Palestine. In Gaza, the blockade continues and little of the promised aid has reached people. In the occupied West Bank, the settlers harass, beat and kill  Palestinians with impunity and the Israeli military continues to arrest and imprison thousands including children. Inside Israel, Netanyahu’s regime continues to restrict Palestinian freedoms, demolish peoples’ homes and evict families.
At the same time the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions Movement continues to grow deeper routes around the world and Israel is becoming ever more isolated.
On the 6 July to mark the first anniversary of last summer’s assault on Gaza,  groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit Systems factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel.
In the words of the campaign let us ‘transform the space around the arms factory converting it from a site of destruction into a fun, creative and child-friendly environment. Let’s create a space that meets our needs and not the needs of Israeli and multinational corporations that export death for profit’.
rs21 is supporting the action.   rs21members will be there alongside hundreds of others. Come and join this collective action to block the factory of death.
The action begins at 7am but will continue all day.  Transport has been arranged from around the country including Bristol, Manchester and London.  There is a railway station at Shenstone with regular trains from Birmingham New Street.
If you would like to come on the London coach (price from £5), please book as soon as possible as the organisers need to know well in advance.
For details of all transport including directions to the site please visit
See you there!
(written with the help of the Block the Factory website)


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