Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Stop the Tories clinging on to power


[UPDATE: The People’s Assembly Against Austerity has called a demonstration on Saturday 9 May at 1pm at Downing St if the Tory coup happens, which we are more than happy to support. Please attend and share the Facebook event.]

There is a very real risk of the Tories clinging on to power in the event of a hung parliament, despite the majority of the country voting against them.

The ground is being prepared for this in the media. There are claims that Tories should be declared the winners if they have the most seats – even if they cannot form a majority in parliament; even if, as seems likely, there is a clear anti-Tory majority made up of Labour, Scottish National Party, Greens, Plaid Cymru and others.

The campaign for minority Tory rule involves the demonisation of the SNP. The same press that viciously defended the Union six months ago now argues that Scotland’s elected representatives should have no say in parliament.

This would be a travesty of even the limited democracy we have. If the majority of the country elects anti-Tory MPs, the Tories should go.

We believe that if this type of “soft coup” is attempted there should be demonstrations against it on the weekend of 9/10 May, demanding first and foremost that David Cameron packs his bags; and that Labour forms an anti-austerity coalition with the SNP, Plaid Cymru, Greens and any other left parties in the new parliament, on the basis of a programme that involves, as first steps, an immediate end to the austerity regime and the cancellation of Trident.

We encourage other groups and individuals on the left to support this call. We are willing to do what we can to make it happen. Email if you would like to add your support.

• Initiated by rs21. Supported by Glyn Robbins (TUSC/Left Unity Candidate for Bethnal Green & Bow); Richard Seymour, Rosie Warren and Jamie Allinson (Salvage).



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