Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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Rachel Reeves and the ‘maxed out credit card’

Kate Deer takes a critical look at the new government’s claims that Britain has ‘maxed out its credit card’.

How to divest from Israel

Boycott, divestment and sanctions have long been key demands for the Palestine solidarity movement. Kate Deer explains why they are so important, and outlines some key steps that people can take. 

Raiding our pensions?

A new threat to our pensions – Kate Deer explains why we should be up in arms about Jeremy Hunt’s Mansion House speech.

Image shows a banner reading 'Paris 8 en lutte: faisons battre en retraite Macron et les patrons'. In English this means 'make Macron and the bosses retreat', though it is also a pun on retirement ('la retraite').

France: standing up to Macron

Following recent strikes and demonstrations in France over pension reform, Clément Mouhot writes about the causes of the most recent wave of protest in France.

Rally of striking NEU members with the Girls Day School Trust (GDST) in Parliament square in February 2022.

Historic independent schools pension strike at the crossroads

Striking NEU members at 23 schools in the Girls’ Day School Trust will decide this week whether to accept a deal or return to the pickets, Luigi Brindisi reports.

Photo shows a view of Croydon High School, one of the schools in the Girls Day School Trust (GDST) where NEU members have balloted in favour of strike action over pensions. Large bold text overlaid which says 'STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE'

Huge vote to strike for teachers’ pensions in the private sector

Teachers at 23 private schools in the Girls Day School Trust have voted massively in favour of strike action. NEU and rs21 member Luigi Brindisi reports.

Photo shows a view of Croydon High School, one of the schools in the Girls Day School Trust (GDST) which is currently balloting for strike action over pensions.

Private sector teachers fight back against fire & rehire

Over a thousand NEU members have voted to strike in an indicative ballot over an attack on pensions in 23 private schools.

Placards. Chalk on wall reads: staff deserve fair pay & pensions

Strikes coming in Higher Education?

Grant Buttars discusses the UCU ballot results and prospects for action.

University strikes resume: day 1

The latest wave of strikes for pensions, pay, equality and against casualization and unsafe workloads began today (20 February 2020). We bring you some initial reports.

Support the UK’s biggest ever HE strikes

From Thursday 20 February, workers across the higher education sector will be taking strike action over pensions, pay, equality, casualisation and workloads.

Report: strike day in Paris

Macron may believe he does not need to compromise over his pension reforms. But on the streets of Paris workers have other ideas.

France on the march: Macron vs. the unions

The movement against Macron’s pensions reform is at the crossroads,. Public support remains high, but it will have to spread to other basic services and key industries to defeat Macron.

Billy Bragg

Our universities! Our planet!

The end of the first week of UCU strike action coincided with the latest climate strike on Friday 29 November. rs21 members report on pickets from around the country.

More solidarity less precarity

UCU strikes: a fighting start

Eight days of strikes got off to a confident start across sixty Higher Education institutions today.