Opposing Bannon and Weidel in Oxford
Over the last few weeks, the Oxford Union debating society has invited two far-right speakers. Both have been met with fierce opposition.

#BanTrump – Thousands take to the streets across the UK – photos, reports and videos
Tens of thousands took to the streets around the country this evening to protest against Trump’s vile racist travel ban and Theresa May’s revolting invite to him for an official state visit. More reports as they come in! London Whitehall is standing room only from Trafalgar Square to Parliament. So many people it’s too big even […]

Oxford University’s liberal mask slips in Rhodes Must Fall campaign
The liberal face that Oxford University likes to present has been challenged in the campaign to remove the statue of racist Cecil Rhodes.

EDL prevented from breaking through in Oxford
Anti-fascist demonstrators significantly outnumbered the fascist English Defence League in Oxford on Saturday, and prevented them from marching through the centre of the city.

Gang abuse in Oxford
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale argue we need to prevent racists from exploiting the suffering of victims of abuse but we also need to go on the offensive against the cover-ups. The article includes distressing descriptions of sexual abuse. It was originally posted on their Sexism Class Violence website. Last year seven men from Oxford were […]

Protest against expanding Campsfield Detention Centre
John Walker reports from a protest against Campsfield Detention Centre yesterday. Around 35 people attended a picket of Cherwell District Planning Committee called by Oxfordshire Trades Council yesterday. They were demanding that the planning committee turn down a government request for permission to dramatically expand the size of Campsfield Detention Centre. Campsfield Detention Centre is […]

William Blake: Apprentice and Master
William Blake was a revolutionary in poetry, engraving and politics. John Walker reviews a new exhibition of his artwork in Oxford. William Blake was a revolutionary. One of the funniest things, for those in the know, is to hear Conservatives singling Parry’s hymn “Jerusalem”. The words to this are taken from the Introduction to Blake’s […]

No platform for Marine Le Pen at the Oxford Union – join the protest tomorrow
A demonstration against French Front National leader Marine Le Pen will take place outside the Oxford Union, Frewin Court at 5pm tomorrow. Come and say “va te faire foutre” to fascists with us, argues Kate Bradley Tomorrow (Thursday 5th February), Marine Le Pen is coming to the Oxford Union, and a demonstration to protest her […]

Antifascists arrested at Oxford demonstration against the National Front
Police arrested four anti-fascists at a demonstration against the National Front in Oxford on Saturday. The National Front had called a national mobilisation against “Asian grooming” and antifascists had gathered to prevent them from marching through Oxford. Two of the arrested antifascists are now facing charges. Sophie Williams and Nick Evans report. (pic of anti-NF […]

Oxfordshire activists set up Climate and Flooding Alliance
Nick Evans reports on the Oxfordshire Climate and Flooding Alliance.

Participation, resistance and betrayal among car workers
A Unite rep reviews Militant Years, Alan Thornett’s political memoir of his life as a radical car plant worker in Oxford – and draws out some political warnings about ‘participation’ then and ‘partnership’ today.

Oxford protests cuts to homeless provision
Around 250 people joined a lobby today against a proposed 38% cut in Oxford County Council’s budget for homeless provision.