The new grand alliance in the Middle East
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale explain the changing international alliances in Middle Eastern politics, and how this is connected to rising Islamophobia in Europe. This was originally published as part of a series on Feminism and Islamophobia on their website. In most of Europe and North America now there is only one acceptable form of racism: […]
Gang abuse in Oxford
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale argue we need to prevent racists from exploiting the suffering of victims of abuse but we also need to go on the offensive against the cover-ups. The article includes distressing descriptions of sexual abuse. It was originally posted on their Sexism Class Violence website. Last year seven men from Oxford were […]
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale reply to Colin Wilson’s comments on ‘What gender does’
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale continue a discussion on their article What gender does, responding to comments from Colin Wilson To situate our response to Colin, it is useful to see that there are now broadly three schools of approach to gender in rs21. We think it will be healthy for all three approaches to […]
ISIS, sexual violence and killing gay men
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale look at the evidence for widespread rape and homophobic attacks in Syria and Iraq. This post was originally published on their Sexism Class Violence website. There are now many press and internet reports of rape by the Islamic State (ISIS). There are also reports of ISIS killing gays. These reports […]
There is no Planet B: how do we stop climate change?
How do we stop climate change? Nancy Lindisfarne assesses The Burning Question. The Burning Question: We Can’t Burn Half the World’s Oil, Coal and Gas. So How Do We Quit? Mike Berners-Lee and Duncan Clark, 2013 ISBN 9781781250457 From £6.99 ‑ £9.99 There are now plenty of books about climate change. This is a […]
Grandparent climate action – for our grandchildren
Nancy Lindisfarne reports: Recently in Oslo, I met with Mette Newth, and Finn Bjørnar Lund to learn about the Norwegian Grandparents’ Climate Campaign. They are both activists with ‘fire souls’, as Norwegians say. They couldn’t have been more helpful and encouraging about setting up such a network in the UK. There are already similar campaigns […]
The trouble with social reproduction theory
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale look at the shortcomings of Social Reproduction Theory and ask if there is an alternative that doesn’t rely so much on the biological differences between the sexes.
Short Story: Fresh Apricots
Fresh Apricots’ first appeared in Dancing in Damascus, a book of short stories that was also published in Arabic and Turkish. It’s about surveillance and the political prisons in Syria under Hafiz al Assad.
Class, Gender and Neoliberalism
Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale present an updated version of their article on Class, Gender and Neoliberalism.