We rise again! Antiracism and industrial action at Royal Mail
Ikenna Azụbụike Ọnwụnabọnze reports on the antiracist action of Royal Mail workers in the Bootle and Seaforth Delivery Office and reflects on the necessity of collective action as the CWU announced the result of its ballot for a strike action yesterday.

Double or nothing
Boris Johnson’s manoeuvre to shut down parliament is a step towards establishing a right-wing populist hegemony in Britain

Waltham Forest Pride: we can’t arrest our way to liberation
Police protection for LGBT people may be a mark of social progress – but liberation does not come from getting the cops on side

Thousands protest in London as Boris Johnson takes office
A young and confident street protest set a defiant tone on Boris Johnson’s first day as Prime Minister.

Move On Up. Curtis Mayfield – Music and message
Emerging from the civil rights movement in the USA, Curtis Mayfield is one of the best exponents of radical soul music and his music lives on, as remembered by John Wheeler.

Review | Never Again
Colin Revolting reviews Never Again by David Renton, the story of the fascist National Front and the campaign which stopped it in its tracks.

On labelling fascists: postscript
Caliban’s Revenge revisits his argument that we should identify the fascist core of the new right wing street movement, as part of a broader anti-racist struggle.

In Remembrance of ‘Alternative Comedy’
Jeremy Hardy was part of a left-wing generation who transformed British comedy and will be sadly missed.

Review: Sorry to Bother You…
Boots Riley’s film Sorry to Bother You (USA, 2018) is a breath of fresh air.

How we beat them last time
How can anti-fascists find a cultural politics to fit the current moment? David Renton speaks to Colin Revolting about Rock Against Racism, the Anti Nazi League and his new book, Never Again.

Review: Deportation Discs: A Public Hearing
A multimedia installation exposed the cruelty at the heart of the ‘hostile environment’.

May stumbles on
Theresa May has narrowly scraped through a vote of no confidence brought by her own MPs. Now pressure from below is needed to bring her government down.

A day against fascism and racism
Join the international call for solidarity against racism and fascism and join the anti-fascist demo in London on Sunday 9 December!

With love and solidarity; with sadness and rage
Over 100 people gathered under the Cable Street mural for a vigil for Pittsburgh on Sunday 28 October. Contributions from Colin Wilson and Taisie Tsikas. Last night, over 100 people gathered under the Cable Street mural in the East End for a vigil for the lives lost in Pittsburgh to antisemitic, white supremacist violence. Under […]

rs21 pamphlet | Israel: the making of a racist state
A new rs21 pamphlet explains exactly how the Israel-Palestine conflict came into being – and why Israel has always been a racist state

Video: Ele Não! Brazilians protest Jair Bolsonaro
rs21 spoke to Brazilians protesting against far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro as the country went to the polls for the first round of voting

AUDIO: The Fire Last Time – 1968
Marxist historian Neil Davidson talks on 1968 and the broader period of uprisings and reprisals of which it became the most visible example

‘Legitimate Concerns’: the Language of Division
How does the language of “legitimate concerns” play into racist narratives? Hanna Gal argues against making any concessions to the discourse of the right.

Far right humiliated in Cambridge
A far right demonstration in support of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (alias Tommy Robinson) in Cambridge only drew 17 people, while several hundred anti-fascists gathered to oppose them. Photos and report by Steve Eason (with additional reporting by Nick Evans). Hundreds of anti-racists, including fire fighters, transport workers and local Cambridge activists successfully prevented a sad gathering of […]

After 9 June: on labelling fascists
Defeating racism will take more than an anti-fascist strategy, but we should clearly identify the fascist core of the new right wing street movement, argues Caliban’s Revenge. On 9 June 2018, central London saw the largest demonstration organised by the far right for many years. Perhaps more than 15,000 assembled to protest “against extremism” and “to […]

Photo report: opposing the DFLA in Manchester
Photos and reflections from Saturday’s rally of opposition to the racist Democratic Football Lads Alliance in Manchester

One year on: Manchester and English nationalism
Since last year’s bombing, Manchester’s tradition of radical politics has come to the fore again

Rock Against Racism: an interview with Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory, one of the organisers of the 100,000-strong Rock Against Racism carnival of 1978, talks to rs21 about anti-racist organising from then to now.

Antisemitism, then and now: Part 2 of 2
In part two of an extended interview with rs21, David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialist Group explores the far-right links of the modern Tory Party, and sets out how socialists can combat antisemitism

Rock Against Racism: forty years on
The 1978 Rock Against Racism carnival rallied 100,000 young people against the advancing far right. What were they fighting – and why was this particular fightback so very powerful?

What’s next for the DFLA?
The Democratic Football Lads Alliance outnumbered antiracists at a march weekend, with a crowd that included hardened neo-Nazi activists. Where is the group going next?

Antisemitism, then and now | Part 1 of 2
David Rosenberg, of the Jewish Socialists’ Group, delves into the facts and the historical background of current discussions of antisemitism in Labour

Windrush and the politics of unconditional solidarity
Outrage over the treatment of the Windrush generation is welcome – but we must also reject the narrative of “good” and “bad” migrants

Carillion: a chronicle of a blacklisting crook foretold
Carillion wasn’t an exception, but all too typical of the spiv business model the dominates UK construction.

Interview: Annie Cohen, Union of Jewish Students presidential candidate
Annie Cohen has been called the ‘anti-Zionist candidate’ for leadership of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS). rs21 interviewed her about why she’s standing. Annie Cohen, tell us a bit about why you decided to stand for UJS President. I’m very involved in Jewish left wing activism with Jewdas*, which has grown incredibly over the […]