Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Taisie Tsikas

the cover of David Camfield's book 'Future on Fire', with a lowlit forest at sunset in the background.

Review | Future on Fire: mass movements in the climate crisis

What movement do we need? Taisie Tsikas reviews David Camfield’s new book on climate tactics.

Omicron – circuit breaker now!

Johnson and Javid must stop prevaricating and introduce an urgent set of measures to dramatically reduce contacts. Every day of delay in introducing a circuit breaker to cut transmission is magnifying the crisis ahead of us.

Gilet Jaunes protesters

Against ‘consumption’

What would a realistic leftist response to the climate crisis look like? Taisie Tsikas argues that we must shift our perspective from consumption to radically reorganising society.

Revolutionary organising in non-revolutionary periods #HM2018

Two sessions at Historical Materialism conference 2018 addressed questions of strategy for the left, each taking very different approaches.

Labour is letting down sex workers

The narrow space left in UK law for sex workers to operate in is under threat of being further restricted.