Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Mike Downham

Reopening schools is bad science

Mike Downham explains the poor science behind the government plans for schools reopening. 

Zero Covid-19: what we can do

Current UK Government strategy, unchecked, would mean thousands of avoidable deaths in the coming months. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Rising up against ‘the science’

The latest relaxation of the lockdown is a political rather than a scientific decision, and it will put thousands of lives at risk without a fully functioning Test, Trace and Isolate system.

Lockdown or meltdown?

There’s no need for confusion about when and how to relax social distancing. But more pressure from below will be needed to stop the government from putting our lives at risk.

Older people will not be abandoned

Three urgent demands we can be making to the government and four pieces of advice that we can share with older people we know right now.

Act now or this will happen again

Covid-19 is teaching us lessons that we need to learn fast to save lives now, and to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Review: A Climate Emergency – Beyond a Capitalist Solution

Mike Downham reviews Ken Ferguson’s new pamphlet, A Climate Emergency – Beyond a Capitalist Solution.

Review: The Reproach of Hunger

Mike Downham reviews leading expert on humanitarian aid and development David Rieff’s book The Reproach of Hunger, which addresses the burning question of why have we failed to address the crisis of hunger in the twenty-first century. Food banks erupted across the UK following the 2007-2008 financial crisis, their number surging in late 2010 when […]

revolutionary reflections | Towards a Socialist Health Service

The crisis in the NHS has never been greater and resistance is taking new forms as we have seen with the Junior Doctors and Student Nurses. In this piece Mike Downham reflects on his experience as a paediatric doctor in Newcastle in the 1970s to explore what a socialist health service might look like. Dedication […]