Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Luke Evans

EU debate: “We will have to be making strong and principled arguments against immigration controls and for open borders whichever side we end up on”

Luke Evans discusses some of the term of debates that revolutionary socialist should hold in mind when debating the EU referendum There will be a referendum on EU membership, as a consequence of the Tory majority victory in the UK general election. This referendum is going to be staged as a direct vote between choosing […]

LGSM march across Westminster Bridge

Pride: How solidarity in struggle changed the world for British LGBT people

The new film Pride shows the solidarity between the miners and a group of lesbian and gay supporters during the strike of almost thirty years ago. Struggle can change the world in ways we never thought possible, writes Luke Evans. Full disclosure; I am neither gay nor a miner. I also feel compelled to state that I […]

On being comrades

On a night out drinking and suffering from the resulting inebriated disposition, Karl Marx and his friends Edgar Bauer and Wilhelm Liebkneckt started smashing up a number of street lanterns using a pile of paving stones. Bauer in his drunken state had, prior to this act of wanton hooliganism, tripped over them. They were then […]

Living Workers, Dead Wages

by Luke Evans “And, it must be confessed, that although the adoption of the enlarged machinery, in that state of our commerce which the country once boasted, might have been beneficial to the master without being detrimental to the servant; yet, in the present situation of our manufactures, rotting in warehouses without a prospect of exportation, […]

‘The act of refusal’ – Some thoughts on revolution

Advertising has tried to appropriate the idea of ‘revolution’, yet it can’t help but ring hollow whenever it does. Luke E looks at what revolution actually means, and how we build for it on a day-to-day basis. It can be easy to feel crowded by claims of revolution. Whether it’s some “revolutionary” new form of toilet cleaner. Or […]

UKIP – just another bunch of control freaks.

The recent successes of Nigel Farage and UKIP should leave anti-racists, anti-homophobes and workers concerned with their rights worried. However the ideological pillars of UKIP are rotten. Their claims to liberty and freedom are topsy-turvy, founded on the vilification of migrants and taking away their liberty. Luke Evans rips apart Farage’s hypocrisy, and the flawed thinking he relies on. […]

‘Adapt or Die?!’

Luke Evans continues the debate that began in the International Socialism Journal on sexuality and addresses the notion of ‘primitive communism’.

Chicago teachers' rally 1 April 2016, banners read "Strike 4 Justice, Fight For Funding" and "Rock Beats Scissors, Solidarity Beats Cuts"

On strikes, generally speaking

Luke Evans has written a piece looking at the different ways Marxists and non-Marxists have understood the notion of a general strike.

In defence of intellectuals

Luke Evans has written an article examining the role of “intellectuals” within a revolutionary organisation, and drawing on Gramsci’s notion of an organic intellectual.