Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Gill George

Health worker carries placard reading "Heroes shouldn't have to use food banks"

NHS in crisis – fightback on pay can help save it

Health campaigner Gill George analyses the crisis facing the NHS – both nationally and in Shropshire, where she lives – and the campaigns to fight back.

Boris Johnson visiting Alexandra Palace Hospital during the 2019 General Election. Keywords: Government Tories NHS privatisation privatization privatising privatizing privatised privatized

Are the Tories really reversing NHS privatisation?

The Tories’ new proposed health reforms grab more power for ministers – but that doesn’t mean an end to health privatisation.

Dismantling the NHS is turbo-charged neoliberalism: Review of How to Dismantle the NHS in 10 Easy Steps

NHS activist Gill George reviews Youssef El-Gingihy’s book How to Dismantle the NHS in 10 Easy Steps The NHS is a milestone in history – the most civilised step any country has ever taken The quote above is what Aneurin Bevin told the first NHS patient ever to be treated, back in 1948; and that’s how Youssef […]

Big business and the NHS: Awkward bedfellows

Gill George discusses how drug company greed means the government has wasted millions on stockpiling medicine that doesn’t work Private companies exist to make a profit for their shareholders. The NHS exists to keep people healthy and look after us when we’re sick. When the two get entangled, the NHS tends to lose out. The […]

Atos: We’ve won the battle but not the war

As Atos is forced to rebrand and pull out of Work Capability Assessment, Gill George discusses the misery they have inflicted and argues we need to take on the Tories as well.