Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Dan Swain

Czechia: opposition stays weak amid government setbacks

Despite huge protests against him, the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš’ party, ANO, still won the largest vote share of any party in the country’s European Elections.

Fidelity to February: The People’s revolution

In days where revolution can seem more remote than ever, Dan Swain explores the height of the February revolution and reflects on its relevance to revolutionary politics today In 1917 Russia was a vast empire covering much of modern day Poland in the west, Armenia and Azerbaijan in the south, and Kazakhstan and Siberia in […]

Hillsborough verdict: the only ‘us against them’ that really matters

On a momentous day in the battle for justice for those killed at Hillsborough in 1989 Liverpool FC supporter Dan Swain, who was brought up in Liverpool, offers a personal view. This is what happened at Hillsborough on April 15 1989: 96 fans of Liverpool football club were unlawfully killed, as a result of a […]

Socialism from below

Dan Swain discusses the contested ambitions and leaderships within our movements. This article was originally published in the Summer 2015 issue of the rs21 magazine.  Throughout the history of socialist movements and ideas, the fundamental divide is between Socialism-from-Above and Socialism-from-Below So argues Hal Draper’s 1966 pamphlet The Two Souls of Socialism.  In it, he […]

Greece says Oxi! Reaction roundup

Dan Swain rounds up initial online reaction to Greece’s momentous vote.

Stealing the election

Dan Swain argues we can’t let the Tories steal another 5 years Who’s going to win the General Election? The simple answer is nobody. Under the first past the post system, to really ‘win’ a party has to secure 326 seats in Parliament, which makes it impossible for them to be outvoted even if all the […]

Interview: This Changes Everything

 This Saturday 28 March a mass participatory gathering on climate change and the alternatives will be addressed by Naomi Klein, Russell Brand and many others. Dan Swain spoke to two of the organisers, Neil Faulkner and Marienna Pope-Weidemann. Dan: Can you explain what the plans are for This Changes Everything, what you hope for the […]

Thanet activists prepare for protest against UKIP conference

Dan Swain spoke to members of Thanet Stand Up to UKIP about their campaign and the demonstration this weekend against UKIP’s spring conference. On Saturday activists in Nigel Farage’s target seat of South Thanet will be joined by others from across the country in protesting against the UKIP Spring Conference, which they have chosen to […]

Cambridge students boycott essays in campaign for reading week

Dan Swain reports on a new campaign by students at Cambridge University. Students at Cambridge University are campaigning for the introduction of a reading week, and committing to refuse to submit work during the fifth week of term in order to make it happen. The campaign reflects a growing awareness of the effect of stress […]

Greek elections: web round up #2

All signs point to a Syriza victory today, with the very real possibility of an overall majority, depending on the vote for smaller parties. Since our last round up, even more has been written about Greece, and what it means. Dan Swain continues the coverage. As the reality of a Syriza victory gets closer, the […]

Greek elections: web round up

The Greek election this weekend could mark a seismic moment in European politics. Dan Swain rounds up commentary from across the web to help you keep informed while eagerly awaiting the results.

Students march in London for free education

Dan Swain reports from today’s student demonstration in London. Over 7000 students joined today’s demonstration for free education in London, making it the largest student demonstration in Britain since 2011. The demonstration was organised by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts and the Student Assembly Against Austerity, and supported by the Young Greens. It […]

4 Things We’ll Remember David Willetts For

The odious Tory ideologue who masterminded the Higher Education reforms has been shuffled off.

Report: PCS Strikes in second day

Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members at Revenue and Customs (HMRC) continued their rolling action.

The People’s Assembly: Why you should march on Saturday

Dan Swain, of rs21 and active in Norfolk People’s Assembly, argues why you should support Saturday’s demonstration against austerity, and build the People’s Assembly where you can.

Poland’s Gender Trouble

Dan Swain examines the debate over gender issues that is dominating Polish politics.

Karl Marx

Alienation and neoliberal capitalism

Dan Swain, author of Alienation: an introduction to Marx’s theory, was interviewed recently by Mark Bergfeld

#M2013: Kevin Doogan on the nature of work today

Dan Swain and Robin Burrett write on a session at Marxism 2013 on the economic crisis.