Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Picket Line, image used with permission

Sussex Academy Trust faces strike from angry workforce – UBAT strike report

Lou Hayton

Lou Hayton reports from one of the picket lines where Sussex NEU members are fighting back against the University of Brighton Academies Trust

Last week, Tuesday 2nd and Weds 3rd July, NEU members at 5 schools in the University of Brighton Academies Trust (UBAT) were on strike.

The schools are The Burgess Hill Academy, The Hastings Academy, The St Leonards Academy (love the originality of those names) Robsack Wood and The Baird.

The issue named concerns the increasing workload for all staff, but its origin is in the way that the management of UBAT are using a far higher proportion of their funding on admin than is usual for a Multi-Academy Trust.. Generally 5% of total expenditure is considered acceptable for ‘Admin’ but UBAT have been spending 15% of their funding on admin, which may include large redundancy payments, marketing and legal fees.

I went to the 30 strong picket line at the Burgess Hill Academy (formerly Oakmeeds Community College, where I worked as a Science Teacher for 9 years) on Tuesday 2nd July and spoke to NEU members and their supporters.

UBAT’s lack of transparency is really angering the workforce. While management refuses to be clear about where the money has gone they are  paying at least 6 senior members of staff (CEO’s) over 150k and the school in Burgess Hill now has only 3.5 Teaching Assistants for 1,000 children with support staff not being replaced when they leave. Further, there are increasing numbers of students being taught in classes of over 30 in core subjects, which itself increases teachers workload and makes it harder for students to get the support they need.

In addition teachers are having to teach in classrooms with no blinds (believe me that is much more of a barrier to learning than you would think) and each member of teaching staff is only allocated £10 per term for photocopying before they have to get their line manager to authorise further funding a bit at a time, and the school only has a handful of working printers for staff to use. Since the school has several buildings this makes access difficult and impacts on teachers ability to properly support all students.

The picket line was joined by a number of Burgess Hill councillors including the Mayor, Janice, who affirmed her support for the local school and reiterated that the school was not getting the money it deserved, which should be used for student support and more staff and resources.

The mood on the picket line was very upbeat with many passing car, van and lorry drivers honking their horns in support. It included former members of the NASUWT who had switched to the NEU because they were the union prepared to take management on.

The week before a one day strike had been suspended because management agreed to talks, but the workforce were having none of attempts by management to reach an unsatisfactory deal with the NEU. 

The NEU members on the ground have shown great resolve and need to make sure that it is they who have the decision on whether to continue the strikes,

If the strikes continue it would be a good idea to start requesting support from delivery drivers, postal workers etc to ramp up the pressure on UBAT.

If you are a local activist then please go to their picket lines (7.30 to 9.30) and show your support.

Messages of support can be sent to (West Sussex NEU) (East Sussex NEU)



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