Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century
Photo: Jonas Liston

Photo: Jonas Liston

Hundreds attend general assembly of the left in London


Up to 1000 people attended the General Assembly of the Radical Left last night in Logan Hall in London.

Called by the activist group Brick Lane Debates, the assembly brought together people from across the radical left to discuss building “a new joined-up radical left movement or network… something that is truly democratic, bottom-up, radical, and based on mass action from below.” Its success surpassed most expectations, near filling the vast lecture hall.

Having so many people at short notice presented some challenges, and made detailed discussions about the way forward difficult. But the turn out and thrust of the day showed a clear desire to build co-operation and co-ordination between groups on the radical left. A further meeting has been called for the 23rd May in order to discuss proposals in more detail, and the meeting agreed to support coming demonstrations in May and June, and to consider calling its own.

Alison Lord, UCU activist at Tower Hamlets College told rs21:

It was vibrant, young and anti-capitalist. If it achieves a network across London of people who are fighting in their neighbourhoods and workplaces we could be looking at a serious challenge to this most nasty government. Let’s hope so.




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