UCU members marching in Manchester. Photo by Nick Efford, flickr.
Postgraduates v marketisation
Sølvi Goard •Sølvi Goard has written a piece on adjuncts – graduate students “who teach, mark and research … who don’t hold any permanent contract” – and their role in student movements against neoliberalism around the world.
Our ability as a movement to strengthen the representation and political organisation of graduates who teach could potentially be crucial in determining the social weight of the forces who oppose marketisation. Of course the organisation of graduates alone will not stop a process that is embedded in a far larger onslaught, but it can at least provide additional flashpoints around which to organise.
▶ Read “Slow-burning movements: postgraduates v marketisation” here.
Note: This piece was published before rs21 was established as an independent organisation in January 2014. rs21 was founded by a group of people who had been in the opposition within the SWP and who left in response to its persistent mishandling of rape and sexual harassment allegations against a leading member.