Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

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United States

Artwork of Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston and Derrick Rump

After the Club Q shooting: building a movement for liberation

The context of the attack, and the radical LGBTQ movement we need.

photo of January 18, 2020 Women's March in Washington DC, USA. Placard says "When Injustice becomes law, Rebellion becomes duty."

The fight for abortion and reproductive justice after Roe

Camila Valle, Sherry Wolf, Emily Janakiram, and Holly Lewis discuss how socialists can organise to fight for reproductive justice.

Trans+ Pride, London, 2020

Fighting the US right and its anti-trans crusade

The US right has proposed over 200 bills attacking trans people. Why are they so obsessed? How can trans people and the left fight back?

Lancashire fracking protest, 2018

Tories bring back fracking – major protests to come

Tories are happy to trash the environment – activists are ready to fight

Protesters with signs reading 'Demilitarise the police' and 'Black Lives Matter'

Interview: the United States in crisis, part 2

Openings exist for the American left, but not with the Democrats

Sign reads "best homeless camp in Bay Area"

Interview: the United States in crisis

Housing, school shootings, racism – the US feels like it’s falling apart

Taipei, capital of Taiwan

Pelosi, Taiwan and China

Pelosi visiting China raised tensions, so what did the US get out of it?

Crowd with Palestinian flags

Palestine solidarity and the future of the DSA – on the Bowman crisis

Arguments over Palestine solidarity have swept through the DSA in recent months – two American socialists explain the background.

Crowd with placards. One has chess board and 'stop playing with our lives'. Another reads 'Stop the war your imperialist pigs'

Russia’s war and the West

Gareth Dale responds to an article by Tom Bramble exploring the reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Imperialism is a world system - photo of earth with colour filters

Russia’s invasion and world imperialism

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shows that we have to understand imperialism as a world system.

Photo shows placard reading 'shame on kellogs for using scabs' with a stencil of a rat

The Kellogg’s deal: not so grrrreat!

Joe Allen assesses the recent settlement of the eleven-week Kellogg’s strike in the US.

Afghanistan: the end of the occupation

The fall of Kabul marks a decisive defeat for American power around the world.

The Good Lord Bird: John Brown’s militant abolitionism

Bill Crane looks at the life of militant US abolitionist John Brown and his portrayal in a recent TV adaptation of James McBride’s novel The Good Lord Bird.

The Trumpian afterlife

The incoming Biden administration may repeal a few of Trump’s ugliest policies, but the revitalised far right is not going away.

A worker walks along the Brooklyn bridge with the Manhattan skyline on the horizon.

Assessing the 2020 US elections

Aaron Amaral and Phil Gasper offer analysis and perspectives coming out of the 2020 U.S. elections. This piece was originally published by Tempest Magazine.

Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Century City, California. Photo: morrisonbrett / WikiCommons Keywords: Biden Trump election US elections presidential anti-racist socialism

After the election

On the eve of an election where neither candidate offers anything to people struggling against oppression, US socialists need to continue supporting the wave of protests, strikes and rebellions that began this summer

The BLM Summer and the US elections

Amidst an ongoing anti-racist uprising of unprecedented size and militancy, the US presidential election is approaching.

Trump rally in 2016

Fascism beyond Trump

Historical comparisons can lead to unhelpful conclusions if not used carefully

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter

Thinking about rebellion: Keegan O’Brien reflects on the threads that connect the Stonewall Riots to the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.

The Black Lives Matter movement in 2020: results and prospects

Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal considers the situation of the BLM movement in Britain and argues for centring the politics of abolition and anti-imperialist solidarity.

Kwasi Agyemang-Prempeh

Video: Black Lives Matter

Black activists in Britain talk about the response to the murder of George Floyd, underlying racism and economic factors, links with the pandemic and how we build anti-racist solidarity.

Ten Days That Shook the World

In the ten days since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, an anti-racist uprising has spread across the United States. Across the world, people are taking action in solidarity and mobilising against state racism.

‘Justice for Belly! Justice for George!’

Mass protests have returned to British streets, calling for justice for George Floyd and Belly Mujinga, and an end to systemic racism and police violence.

The AIDS Quilt memorial laid out in an open square.

Safer sex – lessons from the AIDS crisis

Colin Wilson remembers the community responses to the AIDS crisis in the 1980s.

US Presidential election: following the money

As commentators pick over the results from Super Tuesday, Kim Moody walks us through the labyrinth of a US electoral system built on distrust of mass democracy.

Report: The China Question conference

David Brophy reports on The China Question conference in Brooklyn.

No to NATO

Abolish Nato now

As Trump and Erdoğan join other NATO heads of state for its seventieth birthday summit, Pete Cannell argues we should take a hard look at the role of the British state within the alliance.

Video: The decline of America and the rise of China

Charlie Hore, author of The Road to Tiananmen Square and numerous articles about China, talks about the shifting powers in imperialism in the past decades.

revolutionary reflections | Endgames of US petro-imperialism?

Brian Parkin explains some of the contradictions of the energy markets and the process of US imperial decline in an era of climate catastrophe

Review: Chasing the harvest

Jack Pickering reviews a powerful collection of stories of migrant workers in California’s agricultural sector.