Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Articles >


Cover of Workers of the Earth book

An ecofeminist just transition

A video and transcript of a talk detailing an ecofeminist perspective on just transition.

Ecological politics and revolutionary strategy

Harry H reflects on ecological politics and revolutionary strategy in a Nakba day talk at the Warwick encampment

The politics of degrowth – technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism

What does Marxism bring to degrowth, or what does degrowth bring to Marxism?

Review | Marx in the Anthropocene

The joys and pitfalls of degrowth communism – Gus Woody reviews an important new book on ecosocialism. 

Painting of the swiss peasant wars. Right, the cover art for 'A People's Green New Deal' by Max Ajl.

Moving past the graveyard of Green New Deals

Gus Woody reviews ‘A People’s Green New Deal’ by Max Ajl