The cultural problem of ‘treatlerism’
Treatlerism describes a reactionary entitlement rooted in exploitation. But what if we reclaimed entitlement?

Working class unity means anti-racist unity: no compromise with racist state power
rs21 members make the case for an anti-racist politics that combats all forms of oppression and exploitation

The storm and the street – racist riots and how to fight back
rs21 statement on the far right protests and how to fight back

Ecological politics and revolutionary strategy
Harry H reflects on ecological politics and revolutionary strategy in a Nakba day talk at the Warwick encampment

Do workers in the Global North benefit from the exploitation of workers in the South?
Charlie Post argues that imperialism has intensified exploitation across the entire global working class

The Neil Davidson Lecture 2023: Uneven and combined development in Neil Davidson’s work
Raquel Valera on Neil Davidson’s contribution to the theory of uneven and combined development and revolution.

Where did all the gravediggers go?
‘A Nation of Shopkeepers’ asks important questions about class in Britain today, but lacks clarity in its answers.

Fighting transphobia: a practical and theoretical guide
A new print publication to resource the movement for trans liberation.

Revolt and reaction: lessons from the struggles in Sudan, Syria, and Palestine
Revolution and reaction in Sudan, Syria and Palestine.

Rosa Luxemburg on May Day and working class struggles
On International Workers’ Day, or May Day, rs21 presents two classic texts by the revolutionary socialist Rosa Luxemburg on the history and significance of the day. What Are the Origins of May Day? (1894) The happy idea of using a proletarian holiday celebration as a means to attain the eight-hour day was first born in […]

IWD 2021: Five feminist fights for the year ahead
Reproductive justice, sexual violence and harassment, justice at work: on International Women’s Day, we look at key feminist fights for the year to come.

Tactics of resistance: what’s the point of pickets?
In part two of a series looking at differing tactics for winning battles in the workplace, Derek Fraser looks at picketing, and how it can be used successfully in the current context.

Combatting unsafe workplaces: an interview with Janet Newsham
Every workplace is a Covid frontline, as employers try to force workers into unsafe situations. We interviewed Janet Newsham of the Hazards Campaign, which is fighting back.

Next steps in the fight for safe schools
The government’s retreat on school closures won’t last forever. Education workers need to go on the offensive.

Building power in a crisis
Covid-19 is a medical crisis, but also a social one. Amid the devastating social impacts of the crisis, we’re also seeing determined new initiatives of resistance.

Video: Fighting back and building power during the Covid crisis
Three separate activists draw lessons from fights to defend working-class lives and livelihoods inside and outside the workplace.

Eviction ban ends: how can renters fight back?
The government is trying to restart evictions just as a second wave of Covid-19 is arriving. We need to escalate our organising against evictions, rent debt and homelessness.

Class struggle against Covid
We are facing a second wave of Covid-19 due to the reckless drive for profit of the capitalist class. Mass action from below is the key to stopping the virus – and remaking society in the interests of the majority.

Not one more of us will be sacrificed
rs21 members argue that deaths and job losses are not inevitable and that as we can’t rely on government or employers, we will have to rely on each other to fight for our lives and our livelihoods.

Educators meet the challenge
Education workers have shown creativity and determination in embracing virtual organising methods to strengthen their opposition to the government’s wider reopening of schools.

Rent strike in the Covid conjuncture?
As the knock-on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic make it impossible for many workers to pay rent while meeting their own basic needs, Allan Struthers examines the prospects for large-scale rent strikes in Britain

revolutionary reflections | Which side are you on? Work, class and the 99%
Confusion is rife about what we mean by working class or middle class. Bob Carter argues that a focus on exploitative workplace relationships is far more illuminating than arbitrary hierarchies of inequality.

What the CWU ruling means for the movement
Rachel Eborall explains the implications of the recent Royal Mail injunction.

‘The hateful crowd’ – the gilets jaunes movement one year on
A gilet jaune protester shares his reflections on the movement one year on.

revolutionary reflections | Class struggles in the 1989 revolution
For the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, we publish a translation of Volkhard Mosler’s analysis of the class composition of the East German regime and the opposition movement to it.

What a way to make a living | The Royal Mail sorting office
In the latest instalment of our What a way to make a living series, Daniel Freeborn tells us about the daily grind at a Royal Mail sorting office.

Building movements and solidarity at Endgames? Capitalism and the climate emergency
On 26 October, rs21 hosted a day of discussions in London about capitalism and the climate emergency. This session heard from various activists in climate justice groups.

Lebanon’s ‘October Revolution’ must go on!
Lebanon has a golden opportunity for the formation of an alternative, we should not let the ruling class reproduce itself again. In this piece originally published on Open Democracy, Rima Majed reflects on the recent uprising.

Motion: Support the YouthStrike4Climate on 29 November
On 29 November 2019, pupils and students are going on strike for the climate again. We encourage all workers to stand in solidarity with them. The following motion outlines some practical ways to support the youth strikes in workplaces and trade union branches.

Royal Mail workers get ready for ‘the fight of their lives’
Ikenna Azụbụike Ọnwụnabọnze reports on the struggle of Royal Mail workers and the Communication Workers Union to protect the four pillars agreement.