The right to be an addict
Addiction isn’t the problem—criminalisation is. To end the crisis, we must abolish prisons, policing, and the system that fuels suffering.

What’s left of the bourgeois family? On family abolition
The call to abolish the family is back, sparking fierce debate.

Review | Become Ungovernable
HLT Quan’s manifesto for ungovernability contributes to strategies for resisting state violence.

Video | Abolition Revolution
Why do we have a police force in the first place? How does policing uphold racism, capitalism and colonialism?

Eye-witness report from Manston Camp
Camp well over twice capacity, vulnerable people sleeping on the floor.

Standing up for education – NEU Conference 2022 report
An unpredictable conference of the National Education Union showed an instinctive aversion to oppression and a desire to take action, but competing visions and priorities about how to deliver it. Conference delegates John Stephens and Andrew Stone report (in a personal capacity).

Cops out of schools!
rs21 members report on the protests in London and Manchester after the revelation that Child Q was strip searched in her school.

Reimagining the relationship between care and power
Abu Leila reviews Abolition. Feminism. Now. in the context of radical politics in Britain.

Today’s #KilltheBill protests show that the fight against increased police powers will continue
Protests on the eve of the final House of Lords vote on the Police Crime and Sentencing bill are not a last-ditch effort but a warmup for the fight to come, writes Charlotte Powell.

The Good Lord Bird: John Brown’s militant abolitionism
Bill Crane looks at the life of militant US abolitionist John Brown and his portrayal in a recent TV adaptation of James McBride’s novel The Good Lord Bird.