Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century

Revolutionary Rehearsals reading group

revolutionary rehearsals reading group

All welcome at these discussions based on chapters from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, published by Haymarket Books.

7pm Thursday 9 January 2025: Chapter 1: Social Movements and the Possibility of Socialist Revolution, by Colin Barker

7pm Thursday 30 January 2025: Chapter 10: The Actuality of the Revolution, by Neil Davidson

Register via Zoom for both sessions.

It will help if you can read the relevant chapters, but it’s not essential. Extracts from chapter 1 and chapter 10 are available online. You can order the paperback cheap from SFB Books. You can read a review here.

Gareth Dale, the surviving editor of the book, will join us to give a short introduction at the start of the first session, and to answer any questions at the start of the second.

Hosted by Greater Manchester rs21.