What is the potential for rank-and-file organisation today?
There is renewed interest in rank-and-file organisation, but confusion about what this means and what is possible.

The IS History Project
A new oral history project aims to record the memories of socialist activists from the 1960s and early 1970s. Project members Sue Sparks and Hazel Croft explain its aims and its relevance for activists today in an interview with rs21 members.

Solidarity with the popular movement in Sudan
rs21 stands in unconditional solidarity with the popular movement in Sudan. The revolutionary process continues to be endangered by open conflict between factions within the military junta, now in its fourth week. We reprint here three statements that have been circulated by the MENA Solidarity Network. The first is an appeal from April 19, 2023. […]

Review | Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital
‘The mute compulsion of economic relations sets the seal on the domination of the capitalist over the worker.’

Rosa Luxemburg on May Day and working class struggles
On International Workers’ Day, or May Day, rs21 presents two classic texts by the revolutionary socialist Rosa Luxemburg on the history and significance of the day. What Are the Origins of May Day? (1894) The happy idea of using a proletarian holiday celebration as a means to attain the eight-hour day was first born in […]

Abolition Revolution: a vital step into the future
We need to get rid of police and prisons entirely.

What future for Myanmar? Perspectives from the left
Students, workers, militants and Marxists offer tactics to resist the junta in Myanmar.

School strikes: organise now for the picket lines
Andy Cunningham calls on any NEU members who have not voted to do so now, and discusses the next steps for the strikes.

John Molyneux: Marxist in theory and practice
Two tributes to one of the IS tradition’s most important writers.

Revolutionary Reflections | Sexual violence, feminism and socialist organising
Discussion: how should socialists organise to stop sexual violence in our organisations?

Cruella Braverman and the 101 (more) Draconian Measures
Our answer to restricting protest must be to go on protesting.

Build the strikes, break the Tories
Kick out the Tories, build strikes and protests so from Day One under Labour we stop Starmer imposing austerity.

Elbit is guilty! Solidarity to Palestine Action
Palestine Action have called for supporters to attend the upcoming trials. This sends a strong message to the courts, and we have seen in the past that when activists have more supporters show up to court, they are much more likely to be found not guilty.

Brazilian presidential elections: some lessons from the first round
Hopes were high that Bolsonaro would be removed in the first round of Brazil’s elections. A Brazilian activist argues for a different strategy to win the second round.

Towards a truly radical Scottish independence movement
Jim Ritchie reviews Scotland After Britain, a new book on the Scottish independence movement.

Interview: the United States in crisis
Housing, school shootings, racism – the US feels like it’s falling apart

Hating capitalism more than The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto is one of the cornerstones of Marxism. Neil Rogall celebrates a compelling new account of its importance today by author and activist China Miéville. I first read the Communist Manifesto sometime in 1968, when I was still at school and involved in a School Students Union in Leeds. It was the first […]

The Housing Question today
Gus Woody reflects on the importance of Engels’ pamphlet “The Housing Question” today and how socialists can build on it around housing struggle.

London in revolt – revisiting the English Civil War
Andrew Stone looks at a new history of the origins of the English Civil Wars, finding an engaging account of the class character of the process which ultimately saw Charles I executed. London may not have the same revolutionary reputation of Paris or St Petersburg, but in this new account of the outbreak of the […]

Lowering expectations: misrepresentations of McAlevey
Trade unionists have been inspired by McAlevey’s work. But now sections of the union bureaucracy are co-opting her insights.

Cost of living crisis – strike, mobilise, occupy!
After the first wave of protests, we must continue the fightback against the companies and institutions that have caused the crisis.

The Cost of Living Crisis
Map of protests, information about the cost of living crisis, and political commentary.

The actuality of the revolution: exploitation and oppressions
In this extract from Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age, Neil Davidson suggests ways to draw struggles against oppression and exploitation together.

The cost-of-living crisis
With high inflation and a sharp rise in energy prices on the way, Ian Allinson argues that the cost-of-living crisis will shape British politics over the coming months.

Capitalism, debt and feminism
Kate Bradley reviews A Feminist Reading of Debt, finding an insightful account of the relationship between debt, gender, and capitalism, as well as examples of how to fight back against debt.

Omicron – circuit breaker now!
Johnson and Javid must stop prevaricating and introduce an urgent set of measures to dramatically reduce contacts. Every day of delay in introducing a circuit breaker to cut transmission is magnifying the crisis ahead of us.

What is the rank and file strategy?
Transcript of a talk that a Unite rep and rs21 member gave on the rank and file strategy as part of a Notes from Below panel at The World Transformed in Brighton.