Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Socialism in the
21st Century


Video | End the siege of Gaza: building solidarity with Palestine

Anindya Bhattacharyya discusses the shifting landscape of Palestinian solidarity campaigning during the siege of Gaza.

Video: Insurgency around the world

At a recent rs21 meeting, speakers gave eye-witness accounts of insurgent movements in Bolivia, Hong Kong and Algeria, as well as highlighting the importance of international solidarity.

Video: The decline of America and the rise of China

Charlie Hore, author of The Road to Tiananmen Square and numerous articles about China, talks about the shifting powers in imperialism in the past decades.

AUDIO: The Fire Last Time – 1968

Marxist historian Neil Davidson talks on 1968 and the broader period of uprisings and reprisals of which it became the most visible example

Music as a force for change: an interview with Redskins’ Martin Hewes

An interview with Martin Hewes of the Redskins, to some the true inheritors of the Clash’s crown as the radical rockers

Video: what is rank-and-file trade unionism?

Ian Allinson looks at rank-and-file worker organisation – the alternative to a reliance on bureaucrats to cut deals with management.

Hacking the Spectacle: an interview with Darren Cullen

Cullen uses the language of advertising to make art taking aim at militarism and consumerism

Video: Jail Tony Blair

The much anticipated, and much delayed, Chilcot Inquiry is due to be published today. Jasveer Singh on why why rebuilding Iraq must start with jailing Tony Blair.

The NHS Choir sings for the #JuniorDoctorsStrike – video report

On 10 February, Junior Doctors again went on strike to protest against the government’s proposals for a new contract. But their action is also part of wider fight to save the NHS against increasing privatization. As shown by the NHS Choir’s Christmas number 1,  this struggle which has found broad public backing. Michael Shaw was there to film the […]

St Pancras ‘die-in’ video report

On Saturday 16 January, activists staged a ‘die-in’ at London’s St Pancras station, in solidarity with the refugees in Calais. Video report by Duncan Thomas. Title image by Steve Eason. [wpvideo 563TDxYP]

Save our NHS! Junior doctors speak

On Tuesday 12 January, junior doctors went on strike to protest the government’s new contract proposal. rs21 members, along with other supporters, joined them in solidarity at picket lines across the country. Interviews by Duncan Thomas and Ian Allinson. [wpvideo vAvEM2kQ]

Racism, austerity and revolution: rs21 north London meeting

Watch the rs21 meeting in Tottenham featuring Estelle (rs21), Bianca (Left Unity), Jennifer (Justice for Mark Duggan) and Bat (rs21), including discussions and summary.